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CellTiter-Glo® 3D Cell Viability Assay


A Cell Viability Assay Validated for 3D Microtissue Cultures

  • Accurate 3D cytotoxicity determination
  • Easy assay implementation
  • Simple, 30-minute protocol


Catalog number selected: G9681

$ 152.00
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CellTiter-Glo® 3D Cell Viability Assay
$ 152.00
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How Does CellTiter-Glo 3D Work?

The CellTiter-Glo® 3D Cell Viability Assay is designed for determining cell viability in 3D microtissue spheroids. The assay reagent penetrates large spheroids and has increased lytic capacity—allowing more accurate determination of viability compared to other assay methods.

Based on the same reliable chemistry as the classic CellTiter-Glo® Assay, this new 3D assay reagent measures ATP as an indicator of viability and generates a luminescent readout that is much more sensitive than colorimetric or fluorescence-based methods. The simple, 30-minute protocol and ready-to-use reagent allows for fast results.

Learn how the CellTiter-Glo® 3D Cell Viability Assay can be used to assess drug toxicity in organoids. 

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Better ATP Recovery from Larger 3D Microtissue Spheroids

Diameter of Spheroid (μm) Classic CellTiter-Glo® Assay (pmol/microtissue) CellTiter-Glo® 3D Assay (pmol/microtissue) Ratio
188 16 ± 4 17 ± 4 1.10
386 79 ± 3 94 ± 11 1.19
459 103 ± 2 126 ± 11 1.22
565 127 ± 3 178 ± 17 1.40

Better Lytic Capacity

Improved 3D Microtissue Penetration, More Accurate Viability Data

HCT116 colon cancer spheroids were generated by seeding cells in the InSphero GravityPLUS™ 96-well hanging-drop platform and grown for 4 days.

Panel A. An equivalent volume of reagent was added to all samples, and after 5 minutes of shaking, luminescence was recorded at 30 minutes.

Panel B. A 2X concentration of CellTox™ Green Dye was added to CellTiter-Glo® 3D Reagent (left) or ATPlite™ 1Step Reagent (right) prior to sample addition as an indicator of cell lysis and images were acquired at 30 minutes. The spheroids in Panel B are ~300μm in diameter, and the bars in each image represent a distance of 200μm.

CellTiter-Glo 3D Culture & Better Lytic Capacity

More Sensitive than Colorimetric or Fluorometric Cell Viability Assays

Luminescent signals from the CellTiter-Glo® 3D Assay are orders of magnitude above background. Other non-lytic viability assays that measure changes in fluorescence (e.g. alamarBlue®) or absorbance (e.g., MTT) generate signals that are only modestly higher than their no-cell control signals.

Sensitivity & CellTiter-Glo 3D Cell Culture

InSphero Insight™ human liver microtissues (~250μm). All microtissues were assayed using the CellTiter-Glo® 3D, alamarBlue® and MTT assays according to manufacturer's protocols. Total assay times for the CellTiter-Glo® 3D, alamarBlue® and MTT assays were 30 minutes, 3 hours and 8 hours, respectively.

Sensitivity & CellTiter 3D Spheroid Assay Reagent

HCT116 colon cancer cells seeded into an InSphero GravityPLUS™ 96-well hanging-drop platform and grown to generate ~340μm spheroids.

Compatible with a Variety of 3D Culture Methods

The results of compound screening using the CellTiter-Glo® 3D Assay in hanging-drop, ultra-low attachment plate (ULA) and Matrigel® 3D cultures are shown below. Equivalent results were achieved for all three methods.

3D Cell Culture Spheroid Assay Hanging Drop Method
3D Cell Culture Spheroid Assay ULA
3D Cell Culture Spheroid Assay Reagent Matrigel

HCT116 colon cancer cells were seeded as follows: 400 cells in hanging-drop; 1,000 cells in ULA or Matrigel®. Microtissues were grown for 4 days, treated with compounds for 48 hours, and then assayed with the CellTiter-Glo® 3D Reagent. Luminescence was recorded at 30 minutes.

The CellTiter-Glo® 3D Assay Demonstrates Excellent Precision

Z'-factor Experiment With 3D Microtissues

Four hundred HCT116 colon cancer cells were seeded into each of 60 wells of a 96-well InSphero GravityPLUS™ hanging-drop plate and incubated for 4 days to form 60 spheroids (~350μm in diameter). Half of the spheroids were treated with 100μM panobinostat (black squares), and the other half were treated with vehicle (1% DMSO, orange squares). After 48 hours, all samples were assayed with the CellTiter-Glo® 3D Reagent. The CellTiter-Glo® 3D Assay provided a Z´-factor of 0.81.

CellTiter-Glo 3D Culture & Spheroid Assay Precision

Tools to Monitor Biology in 3D Culture

When working with 3D culture models, choosing the right assay system is crucial. Learn about tools to monitor biology in 3D culture.

Bioluminescence Resource Center

Learn more about how luminescence works, what makes it different from fluorescence and how you can use luminescence to fuel your own research.


You are viewing: G9681 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

CellTiter-Glo® 3D Reagent

G968A 1 × 10ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,741,067 and 8,361,739.


You are viewing: G9682 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

CellTiter-Glo® 3D Reagent

G968A 10 × 10ml

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,741,067 and 8,361,739.


You are viewing: G9683 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

CellTiter-Glo® 3D Reagent

G968B 1 × 100ml

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,741,067 and 8,361,739.

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