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Plant Genotyping

The testing of DNA in plant tissues is an important process in various fields of agricultural research, including crop trait development and seed quality control. Scientists in the plant community need tools to address a range of issues including disease resistance, transgenic seed development, yield improvement, population genetics and plant physiology. Extraction of high-quality DNA from leaf, seed, root or other plant material is essential for reproducible DNA analysis by quantitative PCR, genotyping by sequencing (GBS) or next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods.

Plant and Food DNA and RNA Extraction Protocols

Promega DNA and RNA extraction products are used to purify nucleic acid from a wide variety of plant sample types. Our collection of plant and food application notes contains protocols and example data from many plant samples and includes example manual, automated and plate-based methods.

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methods for DNA or RNA extraction from plant and food

Plant DNA Purification

Unlike animal cells, plant cells have rigid cell walls made of tough fibrous material and contain compounds that can interfere with DNA isolation as well as downstream applications, such as PCR. This makes isolating DNA from plant tissue more challenging. The Maxwell® RSC Plant DNA Kit is one example solution based on paramagnetic cellulose particles that consistently isolates high yields of DNA from a broad range of plant types in a safe and efficient manner. High-throughput automation is also available to address large numbers of samples that are processed in 96-well or 384-well plates.

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GMO Testing

The European Union (EU) and many other countries have policies for labeling or excluding products containing material from genetically modified organisms (GMO). GMO testing confirms the amount of GMO present in plants, seeds or foods and ensures compliance with EU and global regulations. PCR-based GMO detection methods are commonly used and rely on high yields of DNA with high purity for reproducible performance.


DNA Isolation for GMO Testing: Vision to Reality

This blog article highlights the collaborative process of developing an automated method for plant gDNA isolation.

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Extracting RNA-Free Plant DNA

This article describes a protocol for extracting high-quality, RNA-free DNA from plants for GMO testing.

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