Attention US and Canada Customers

Attention: Due to our annual physical inventory, orders received after 4PM CST on Tuesday, March 11th will be shipped according to the following schedule:
US Orders: Shipped on Saturday, March 15th with an expected arrival on Monday, March 17th.
Canada Orders: Shipped on Monday, March 17th with an expected arrival on Tuesday, March 18th.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
For any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-356-9526.


4-CORE, AccuMAP, Anti-ACTIVE, Apo-ONE, AttoPhos, Beta-Glo, BRYT Green, Caspase-Glo, CellTiter 96, CellTiter-Blue, CellTiter-Glo, CytoTox 96, Dual-Glo, Dual-Luciferase, Emax, ENLITEN, Flexi, GenePrint, GloMax, GoTaq, HaloTag, Helix, Instinct, ISOQUANT, Jetstream, Kinase-Glo, Lumit, MagaZorb, MagnaBot, Magne, MagneSil, MagneSphere, Maxprep, MaxSpin, Maxwell, MethylEdge, Monster Green, NanoBiT, NanoBRET, Nano-Glo, NanoLuc, OncoMate, pGEM, Plexor, PolyATtract, PowerPlex, PowerQuant, PowerSeq, Prime-a-Gene, ProDye, ProFection, Promega, Promega Connections, Promega logo, ProMega-Markers, ProNex, ProView, QuantiFluor, QuantiLum, Renilla-Glo, Riboprobe, RNAgents, RNasin, SAM2, SignaTECT, Steady-Glo, Stop & Glo, Terso Solutions, TNT, Vac-Man, VersaPlex, Vivazine, Western Blue, Wizard and XpressAmp are all trademarks of Promega Corporation and are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Promega Corporation, Madison, WI, USA.

AAF-Glo, AccessQuick, ADP-Glo, AgarACE, AMP-Glo, AmpSolution, ApoLive-Glo, ApoTox-Glo, AuthentiMax, BacTiter-Glo, BCAA-Glo, BHB-Glo, Bio-Glo, Bio-Glo-NB, Bio-Glo-NL, Bright-Glo, Calpain-Glo, cAMP-Glo, CaspACE, Cell ID, CellTiter-Fluor, CellTox, CelluACE, Champs, CheckMate, ChipShot, Cholesterol/Cholesterol Ester-Glo, Chroma-Glo, Chroma-Luc, CloneWeaver, CodeBreaker, CytoTox-Fluor, CytoTox-Glo, CytoTox-ONE, DeadEnd, Dehydrogenase-Glo, Diamond, Differex, DLR, DLReady logo, DNA IQ, DPPIV-Glo, DUB-Glo, EGGstract, Eluator, Endurazine, EnduRen, Erase-a-Base, FastBreak, Find My Gene, FluoroTect, GammaSTR, GeneClip, GeneEditor, GenePrint® logo, GloResponse, GloSensor, Glucose-Glo, Glucose Uptake-Glo, Glutamate-Glo, Glutamine/Glutamate-Glo, Glycerol-Glo, Glycogen-Glo, GoScript, GSH-Glo, GSH/GSSG-Glo, GTPase-Glo, HaloCHIP, HaloLink, HDAC-Glo, HisLink, Identity Automation, ImProm-II, InCELLect, Lactate-Glo, LDH-Glo, LigaFast, Luciferin-EF, MagaCharc, MagnaCel, MagneGST, MagneHis, MagZ, Malate-Glo, MAO-Glo, Metabolite-Glo, Mitochondrial ToxGlo, MTase-Glo, MULTI-CORE, MyGlo, NAD/NADH-Glo, NADP/NADPH-Glo, NAD(P)H-Glo, NAD(P)/NAD(P)H-Glo, NanoDLR, ONE-Glo, P450-Glo, pAdVAntage, pBESTluc, pCAT, pCMVTNT, PDE-Glo, Personal Automation, pGEMEX, pGeneClip, pGloSensor, Pgp-Glo, PI3K-Glo, PinPoint, PowerTyper, PReMiS, PromegaExpress, Promega Points, ProNect, Protease-Glo, ProteaseMAX, Proteasome-Glo, psiCHECK, psiLentGene, psiSTRIKE, pTARGET, pTNT, PunchSolution, PureYield, Pyruvate-Glo, Quantus, R110Direct, Rapid Response, READase, READIT, READIT® design, ReadyAmp, RealTime-Glo, ReliaPrep, RiboClone, RiboMAX, RNase ONE, ROS-Glo, siCHECK, siLentGene, SILVER SEQUENCE, SilverSTR, SIRT-Glo, siSTRIKE, Slicprep, SoftLink, STR Normalization Manager, Suc-LLVY-Glo, Succinate-Glo, SwabSolution, TaqBead, TetraLink, Tfx, TMRDirect, Transcend, TransFast, TransfectNow, Triglyceride-Glo, TruTiter, Turbo, UDP-Glo, UGT-Glo, Ultra-Glo, UMP/CMP-Glo, ViaFect, ViaScript, Viral ToxGlo, ViviRen, VivoGlo, Water-Glo, Western Express, Z-LRR-Glo, Z-nLPnLD-Glo, Z-RLRGG-Glo, Z-VDVAD-Glo and Z-VEID-Glo are all trademarks of Promega Corporation, Madison, WI, USA.

Updated 12-Mar-2025