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Spectrum CE Systems for Forensic Analysis

Big and Powerful, or Small and Mighty. The Choice Is Yours.

We developed the Spectrum Family of CE instruments with the day-to-day challenges of the forensic analyst in mind. Whether you need higher throughput, 4-plate capacity, or simply want a smaller instrument that are both 8-dye technology accesible and compatible with existing 4-, 5- and 6-dye STR kits for your forensic samples, there’s a Spectrum CE System for you.

Compare Instrument Specifications

Built for Your Workflow

spectrum ce system drawer

Spectrum CE System

Spectrum has four 96-well plate positions and provides continuous access to those plates. This means that you can run partial plates and add samples during a run—gaining scheduling flexibility while still maintaining productivity

spectrum compact ce system touchscreen

Spectrum Compact CE System

Fast run times and a touchscreen interface will get you from A to B with the least amount of fuss.

Support for Existing and Future Technologies

8 color str analysis

Both instruments support 8-color chemistry, offering superior results over existing kits and are compatible with existing 5- and 6-color STR kits from multiple vendors. The Spectrum Compact CE System also supports Sanger sequencing, making it ideal for de novo sequencing or NGS confirmation, in addition to fragment analysis.

The Choice is Yours

No matter which Spectrum instrument you choose, you’ll get market-leading compatibility with popular STR kits, advanced instrument features for ease of use, and convenient packaging for consumables.


Spectrum CE System

Spectrum Compact CE System

spectrum ce system dimensions

Cat.# CE1008

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spectrum compact ce system dimensions

Cat.# CE1304

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General Features
Colors Detected
spectrum 8 colors
spectrum 8 colors
4 Plates
1 Tray
Position Accessibility
Continuous (Plate)
When run is complete (Tray)
Sample Vessel Type
96-well plate
8-well strip tubes
Capillary Array Length
Consumable Bar Code Detection
Application Support
Fragment analysis
Sanger sequencing, fragment analysis
Prefilled cartridges
Prefilled cartridges
Prefilled bottle
Prefilled cartridges
Prefilled bottle
2D barcoding
Polymer Type
Polymer4, Polymer7
Export File Type (STR)
.promega, .fsa
.fsa, .ab1
Compatible STR Analysis Software
GeneMapper® ID-X and GeneMarker®HID Software for Spectrum CE Systems (GMHID-Spectrum)
GeneMapper® ID, GeneMapper® ID-X, GeneMarker® and GeneMarker®HID Software for Spectrum CE Systems
Technical Specifications
Polymer Delivery
Syringe injection
Syringe injection
Oven Temperature Range
45–70°C (±1°C)
Electrophoresis Voltage
Up to 20kV
Up to 18kV

Unparalleled Customer Support

We understand that your work can’t stop, and we’re dedicated to minimizing any interruptions to your lab operations. On-site installation and operational training are included with purchase of the instrument. Preventive maintenance, applications training, validation and on-site service are also available. Our scientists are ready to help, and we expect to be there when you need us.

Service icon

Expect complete support options, like phone-based and on-site consultation.

Spectrum CE installation support icon

As you transition to include the Spectrum CE Systems in your lab, we will be with you every step of the way. We offer on-site instrument, software and application training, as well as timely on-site installation and service. These services ensure minimal interruptions to your lab’s operations.

Spectrum CE maintenance support icon

If you want regular service and maintenance for your Spectrum CE Systems, we can take care of you. In addition to standard maintenance contracts, we have optional packages to keep your instruments running smoothly.

Spectrum CE validation support icon

Validation Services
We can provide flexible, consultative Validation Services for both instruments and the STR chemistry you wish to run on the instrument of your choice. Our team of knowledgeable former practitioners use their experience and expertise to design a customized validation solution to fit your laboratory’s needs and preferred scope of work.

Make the Right Choice

We offer live virtual demos and options for onsite evaluation for both Spectrum instruments. You’ll have plenty of time to ask all your questions—the service is totally free.