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October 22-24, 2024

Join us for this virtual, multi-track symposium on Cracking the Undruggable Code—an event where we come together to understand research in tackling the toughest drug targets. Attend live sessions—including Q&As with speakers—or watch at your convenience with recorded sessions.

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Illuminating New Frontiers: Cracking the Undruggable Code

Transforming Drug Discovery Research Together

A significant portion of drug targets are classified as “undruggable”—meaning they lack typical binding sites, are involved in difficult to target protein-protein interactions or have protein structures that are unstable. Therefore, drug discovery research has been limited to a set of “druggable” targets. With recent advances in biology and technology, we have the opportunity to redefine the boundaries of what is possible in drug discovery, turning the undruggable into the druggable and setting the stage for new therapeutic possibilities.

Our three-day virtual event brings together researchers from science and industry to explore research on the “undruggable”. Join us for keynote speakers, discussions and case studies that will cover current topics in addressing these challenging drug targets. Each session will feature a range of topics like the complexities of the RAS pathway, protein-protein interactions, targeted protein degradation, and more. Secure your spot at this collaborative event where we will explore current and novel research in the field of drug discovery, inspiring a future where every target is within our reach.

Discover Our Undruggable Target Applications

Schedule at a Glance (Details Coming Soon)

Day 1:  Rethinking Undruggable Targets: New Insights into RAS and Protein Interactions

What to Expect:

In the realm of drug discovery, certain targets have long been deemed "undruggable" due to their complex nature and the technical challenges associated with modulating them therapeutically. Among these, the RAS pathway stands out as an important element in cell signaling implicated in numerous cancers and diseases.  Historically deemed undruggable due to its complex biochemistry and lack of suitable binding sites, RAS has recently witnessed a paradigm shift. Recent innovations in molecular biology—coupled with breakthroughs in drug design and technology—have challenged the notion that the RAS pathway is undruggable, leading to the development and market approval of RAS-targeting therapeutics.

Similarly, protein-protein interactions (PPIs)—key elements of RAS signaling—represent untapped therapeutic potential, offering avenues to intervene in disease processes in ways previously deemed infeasible. In this session, we will explore the latest research targeting the RAS/MEK/ERK signaling pathway and learn about novel approaches being developed to manipulate and measure PPIs within RAS and other signaling networks.

Day 2: Next-Generation Therapeutics: The Power of Induced Proximity and Targeted Protein Degradation

What to Expect:

Efforts to develop treatments for previously “undruggable” targets have launched a new phase in drug discovery, highlighted by the rise of next-generation therapeutics. Induced proximity, a strategy manipulating molecular interactions for desired outcomes, and targeted protein degradation, leveraging the cell's machinery to degrade pathogenic proteins, are forging new treatment paradigms and redefining our ability to modulate previously intractable molecular targets. In this session we will hear from leading experts as they present the latest research in this fast-moving field and learn how these cutting-edge strategies are transforming how we are tackling diseases once considered beyond reach.

Day 3: Unlocking the Potential of RNA: New Paths for Targeting RNA

What to Expect:

This session delves into the innovative realm of RNA as a key therapeutic target in modern drug discovery. Long considered a challenging prospect due to its dynamic nature and critical role in gene regulation, RNA offers unique opportunities for intervention. We will explore cutting-edge advancements in directly targeting RNA molecules and RNA-protein interactions, which are opening new avenues in treatment strategies. Discover how novel RNA-targeting techniques are transforming our ability to influence genetic and cellular functions, presenting potential cures for previously untreatable conditions.


Our Free, Hybrid Event Where We Discuss Transforming Oncology with Innovative Approaches from Research to Treatment.

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Agenda & Speakers (Details Coming Soon)

Day 1: Speakers from institutions such as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) and Promega.

Day 2: Speakers from institutions such as Centre for Protein Degradation, The Institute of Cancer Research of London, University of California of San Diego (UCSD), Center for Empathy and Compassion Training in Medical Education (CEMM) at UC San Diego and Promega.

Day 3: Speakers from institutions such as Scripps Florida, University of Michigan and Promega.