Bill Linton founds Biotec, later named Promega

His vision was to create a place where biotechnology would lead to the cure and prevention of disease; a dynamic environment for the individual to be individual, and a path of discovery that would change the way researchers did their work.
Biotec moves into new facility
The 900 sq. ft. building gives employees more space to innovate and grow.

RNasin® is introduced
Analysis of RNA allows researchers to ask questions about which genes are expressed during development or in a particular cell type or tumor. RNasin has become the laboratory standard.
Biotec becomes Promega Biotec
Riboprobe® System launched

pGEM® Cloning Vectors created
1st issue of Promega Notes published
Taq DNA Polymerase is introduced
Promega Technical Services department established
This department is a resource for customers to contact when they challenging research questions arise. Technical Services is there to support you for all your research needs.

Research and Development Center opens in Madison
Madison campus expands with new headquarters and labs (6400 sq. meters)
First US Field Application Specialists employed
First Protocols and Apps Guide published
Forensic professionals gather at the first International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI)
ISHI remains the largest conference on DNA analysis for human identification, enabling experts to learn about emerging forensic DNA practices.
Promega opens in the United Kingdom
Luciferase biosensor technology is obtained
Bioluminescence allows scientists to study undetected activity in living cells, and is an alternative to radioactivity.
The BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (BTC Institute) forms
The institute offers thousands of students the opportunity to learn about molecular biology through hands-on experiences in a laboratory.
First STR multiplex system introduced
First luciferase patent granted
The patent was issued on Feb 1, 1994.
TNT® SP6 Coupled Reticulocyte Lysate System is named Top 100 Product by R&D Magazine
Biopharmaceutical Technology Center (BTC) manufacturing facility opens and adds 19,000 sq. meters to Madison campus
The BTC building houses manufacturing, the BTC Institute, quarterly art exhibits open to the public and spaces for rent to the community.

Promega opens in Japan
Scientific Training Team is established to provide technical-product training for both employees and customers
pGEM® T-Vectors introduced
www.promega.com is launched
CellTiter®96 Cell Viability Assay offered
Dual-Luciferase® Assay System launched
The Scientific Applications Team explores customer ideas on new applications for existing products

First Profiles in DNA published
Promega registers for Class 1 medical devices made available in the US
Molecular biology tools continue to play a role in supporting faster and more precise methods in human care and diagnosis.
Quality System certified to ISO 9001
CellTiter-Glo® Cell Viability Assay launched
RFID-enabled on-site stocking introduced. “Promega Express” is the only “intelligent” on-site service in the industry
The 900 sq. ft. building gives employees more space to innovate and grow.
Caspase-Glo® 3/7 Assay created
DNA IQ™ and AluQuant™ Human DNA Quantitation Systems are named Top 100 Technologies by R&D Magazine
Protein production facility opens in Madison
The P450-Glo™ CYPP450 Assay System is featured in the Top 100 Most Technologically Significant New Products by R&D Magazine
Terso Solutions, Inc. opens in Madison, Wisconsin
HaloTag® Technology is introduced

Quality System certified to ISO 13485
ISO 13485 represents the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices.
Trypsin Gold launched
GloMax® 96 Luminometer for sale
Maxwell® 16 instrument and reagents for benchtop purification first offered

First Promega iPhone® App
Online chat available for Technical Support
Promega BioSystems Sunnyvale, Inc. Joins the company
Field support scientists provide on-site support of protocol development for HT instrument/reagent systems
Promega joins the United Nationals Global Compact
An initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation (our annual Corporate Responsibility Report).
R&D begins offering Custom Assay Services.

Direct amplification compatible STR multiplex system launched
Crime labs can now eliminate DNA purification and amplify samples directly from buccal or blood samples, saving hours of time in data-basing workflow.
Field Support Scientists begin to troubleshoot at customer labs
Nanoluc™ luciferase technology launched
Nanoluc™ named Top 10 Innovation by The Scientist

Feynman Center, state-of-the-art cGMP manufacturing facility, opens in Madison
“Capitalist with a Soul” article is published
Bill’s 100-year vision for Promega is highlighted in the Isthmus Magazine feature article.
Kepler Center, Promega global processing center opens
Designed for efficient operations and incorporating the latest technology in cold storage material handling, the center will assure a continued high level of customer service.
ESI Initiative Takes Shape (Emotional and Social Intelligence)
ESI Core Principles and programs foster employee growth and support a strong future.
Promega is first to achieve third-party certification of published ISO 18385 manufacturing standard.
ESI Core Principles and programs foster employee growth and support a strong future.