MethylEdge® Bisulfite Conversion System

Rapid Bisulfite Conversion with Minimal DNA Fragmentation

  • High-efficiency DNA conversion from as little as 100pg input DNA
  • Rapid protocol saves time compared to other conversion systems
  • Robust conversion of DNA with reduced DNA fragmentation
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Catalog number selected: N1301

$ 386.00
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MethylEdge® Bisulfite Conversion System
50 reactions
$ 386.00
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Bisulfite Conversion for DNA Methylation Workflows

The MethylEdge® Bisulfite Conversion System provides a rapid, efficient method to perform bisulfite conversion with minimal DNA fragmentation in less than two hours. The rapid protocol and complete conversion mean that you can produce completely converted DNA ready for your choice downstream assays with minimal preparation and hands-on time. Coupled with purification chemistries and flexible, robust amplification technologies for detection, the MethylEdge® Bisulfite Conversion System delivers high-quality, intact converted DNA for your experiments.

  • High-efficiency DNA conversion
  • Robust conversion of DNA with reduced DNA fragmentation
  • Rapid Protocol
  • Room-Temperature, Ready-to-Use Reagents

This system can be used for the bisulfite conversion and cleanup of DNA. Applications for converted DNA include bisulfite-specific PCR (BSP), bisulfite sequencing (bis-seq), bisulfite-specific high-resolution melt and COBRA analysis.


Rapid Conversion, Minimal Fragmentation

Realize the full potential of your samples with the most effective bisulfite conversion system available. The MethylEdge™ Bisulfite Conversion System offers a robust system for rapidly performing bisulfite conversion with minimal DNA fragmentation.

  • High-efficiency DNA conversion from as little as 100pg input DNA 
  • Rapid Protocol saves time compared to other conversion systems
  • Robust conversion of DNA with reduced DNA fragmentation
  • Ready-to-use reagents stored at room temperature
Completely convert your DNA in less than 2 hours and go directly into your downstream assay of choice. This all-inclusive kit provides you with more intact, usable, DNA for any application including qPCR, arrays, and sequencing.

Degree of DNA Fragmentation After Conversion

DNA was purified from whole blood using the ReliaPrep™ Blood gDNA Miniprep System (1) or Maxwell® 16 LEV Blood Kit (2) and was converted using the MethylEdge® Bisulfite Conversion System (P) or a competing bisulfite conversion kit (Z or N). B = BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder, D = nonconverted, purified DNA.

DNA Purification and Quantitation

The success of DNA methylation analysis experiments relies on quality genomic DNA as input. We offer high-quality systems for manual and automated genomic DNA purification from many sample types.
Accurate DNA quantitation of both pre- and post-bisulfite conversion is critical to experimental success. We offer robust, fluorescence-based detection systems for accurate quantitation.

Manual and High-Throughput Chemistries

ReliaPrep™ Genomic DNA Purification Systems offer comprehensive solutions for reliable purification of high-quality gDNA. Kits include manual systems for purification from FFPE samples, blood and tissue and high-throughput gDNA purification from large volume blood samples.

Hands-Free Automated Purification from 1–16 Samples

The Maxwell® RSC Instrument and DNA Purification Kits provide automated DNA extraction from many sample types, including FFPE tissues. The convenient, hands-free extraction method frees up time and provides consistent yields of highly pure gDNA.

Quantitation Instrument

Quantus™ Fluorometer



The QuantiFluor™ dsDNA System offers sensitive detection of small amounts of double stranded DNA in solution upstream of bisulfite conversion.

The QuantiFluor™ ssDNA System offers reliable, sensitive detection of bisulfite converted DNA in solution.

Downstream Analysis

Amplify your bisulfite-converted DNA with the most robust, reliable amplification tools on the market. Whether your methylation assay requires real-time or end-point analysis, the GoTaq® Amplification Systems provide easy-to-use, sensitive reagents that meet your needs.
End-Point PCR Systems Dye-Based Real-Time Systems Probe-Based Real-Time Systems

GoTaq® Hot Start Master Mixes are premixed, ready-to-use solutions containing GoTaq® Hot Start Polymerase, magnesium, dNTPs and buffer. Reactions can be set up in less than a minute at room temperature; simply add your template, water and primers.

GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Master Mixes

GoTaq® qPCR Master Mix provides robust real-time PCR with earlier quantification cycle values and broad range detection for increased reliability, reproducibility and sensitivity. The system contains BRYT Green® dye, a novel fluorescent DNA-binding dye with minimal PCR inhibition for maximum efficiency, and greater fluorescence enhancement upon binding to double-stranded DNA than SYBR® Green I.

GoTaq® qPCR Master Mix

The GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix is optimized for quantitative PCR assays in the hydrolysis probe detection format. It is provided as a ready-to-use, stabilized 2X formulation that includes all components for qPCR (except template, primers and probe).

GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix



Item Part # Presentación

Collection Tubes

N124A 1 × 50/pack

ME Spin Columns

N125A 1 × 50/pack

ME Elution Buffer

N126A 1 × 1ml

ME Desulphonation Buffer

N127A 1 × 10ml

ME Wash Buffer

N128A 1 × 6ml

ME Binding Buffer

N129A 1 × 30ml

ME Conversion Reagent

N130A 5 × 1.3ml

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Store the MethylEdge® Bisulfite Conversion System at 22–25°C (room temperature). Store the Methylated Human Control at 2–10°C. Store the Converted Methylated Human Control at –30 to –10°C.

Patentes y Exclusiones

Use of Methylation-Specific PCR (MSP) is protected by U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,786,146, 6,017,704, 6,200,756 and 6,265,171. No license under these patents to use the MSP process is conveyed expressly or by implication to the purchaser by the purchase of this product.

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