5X AmpSolution™ Reagent, PunchSolution™ Kit and SwabSolution™ Kit

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Rapid, Simple Preparation Methods for Swabs and Punches

  • For processing of single-source reference, database and paternity samples where purification is unnecessary
  • Save 2–4 hours per plate of samples
  • Compatibility with most PowerPlex® Systems

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5X AmpSolution™ Reagent, PunchSolution™ Kit and SwabSolution™ Kit
$ 96.00
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5X AmpSolution™ Reagent

The 5X AmpSolution™ Reagent streamlines the processing of swabs and punches for PowerPlex® STR analysis without compromising your results. While direct amplification from FTA® cards is transforming workflows in databasing and paternity testing labs, buccal swabs and non FTA cards are not ideal substrates for direct amplification.

Additionally, the AmpSolution™ Reagent enables direct amplification of DNA from unwashed FTA® punches, nonFTA punches and swabs from traditional PowerPlex® kits that were not originally intended for that application, minimizing the need to validate a new system to perform direct amplification.

The PunchSolution™ Kit offers a simple sample preparation process to simplify analysis. At 10µl, the volume of PunchSolution™ Reagent allows easier punch handling than other pretreatment products that only use 2µl of solution. Higher quality, easier-to-interpret profiles are obtained, compared to other methods for processing nonFTA punches.

Buccal Samples on FTA® Punches

Two 1.2mm punches from a buccal sample on an FTA® card were amplified using the PowerPlex® ESX 17 System. Prior to amplification, AmpSolution™ Reagent was added to the reaction mix. Amplified products were separated on an Applied Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (3kV, 5-second injection).

Promega forensic products are manufactured in alignment with the ISO 18385 standard.This standard ensures minimal risk of human DNA contamination for products used to collect, store and analyze biological materials for forensic purposes. Learn more.

SwabSolution™ Kit

The SwabSolution™ Kit is used for rapid processing of swabs for STR analysis using PowerPlex® Systems. The SwabSolution™ Kit contains SwabSolution™ Reagent, which is used to generate a buccal swab extract that is added to the PowerPlex® System reaction. In addition, the SwabSolution™ Kit contains the 5X AmpSolution™ Reagent, which enables direct amplification of DNA from swabs using certain PowerPlex® Systems.

Buccal Swab Workflow

When using SwabSolution™ Kit, centrifugation or washes are no longer needed to extract DNA from the swab head. Eliminating those steps offers streamlined workflows and expanded throughput capabilities. Furthermore, quantification of DNA is possible, as is long-term storage of SwabSolution™ extracts for future use.
Swab Analysis
An OmniSwab™ buccal sample was pretreated with SwabSolution™ Reagent as recommended in the SwabSolution™ Kit Technical Manual TMD037. Amplification was performed using the PowerPlex® 16 HS System. Amplified products were separated on an Applied Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (3kV, 5-second injection).

PunchSolution™ Kit

PunchSolution™ Kit works in conjunction with PowerPlex® Systems to provide rapid processing of punches from nonFTA storage cards (S&S 903, Bode Buccal Collector™ device, etc.) and robust amplification profiles.  The PunchSolution™ Kit contains PunchSolution™ Reagent, which is used to pretreat nonFTA punches prior to addition of the PowerPlex® PCR amplification mix. In addition, the PunchSolution™ Kit contains the 5X AmpSolution™ Reagent, which enables direct amplification of DNA from punches.

NonFTA Punch Workflow

The PunchSolution™ Kit offers a simple sample preparation process to simplify analysis. At 10μl, the volume of PunchSolution™ Reagent allows easier punch handling than other pretreatment products that only use 2μl of solution. Higher quality, easier-to-interpret profiles are obtained, compared to other methods for processing nonFTA punches.

Blood on S&S 903


One 1.2mm blood punch on S&S903 card was pretreated with PunchSolution™ Reagent as recommended in the PunchSolution™ Kit Technical Manual TMD038. Amplification was performed using the PowerPlex® 18D System. Amplified products were separated on an Applied Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (3kV, 5-second injection).

Rapid Processing Solutions for PowerPlex® Systems

The 5X AmpSolution™ Reagent, SwabSolution™ Kit and PunchSolution™ Kit allow fast and simple processing of swabs and punches for analysis with various PowerPlex® Systems, including the PowerPlex® Fusion, 21, 18D, 16 HS, ESX, ESI, CS7 and Y23 Systems. These products are intended for preparation of single-source reference, database and paternity samples where sample purification is unnecessary.


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You are viewing: DM1231 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación
5X AmpSolution™ Reagent DM123A 1 × 500μl

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

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You are viewing: DC9271 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación
PunchSolution™ Reagent DM121A 1 × 1ml
5X AmpSolution™ Reagent DM123A 1 × 500μl

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

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You are viewing: DC8271 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación
SwabSolution™ Reagent DM122A 1 × 100ml
5X AmpSolution™ Reagent DM123A 1 × 500μl

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

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