Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular Systems

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No-Wash, One-Plate Immunoassay for Cellular Analytes

  • New Lumit® Lysis Buffer II included! Offers enhanced performance across a wide range of cellular targets
  • New Application Notes available for more validated targets
  • Set 1: Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-LgBiT/Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-SmBiT
  • Set 2: Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-SmBiT/Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-LgBiT
  • Starter Kit: Includes all four Set 1 and Set 2 Lumit® Secondary Antibodies; primary antibodies supplied by the user

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Catalog number selected: W1201

$ 415.00
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Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular Systems
Set 1/100 assays
$ 415.00
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Fast Quantification of Cellular Analytes

The Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular System is a no-wash bioluminescent immunoassay that measures target analytes directly in cell lysates. The assay can be adapted to detect a wide range of proteins, phosphoproteins or small molecules of interest, provided the appropriate primary antibodies (supplied by the user) are available. We recently developed a new lysis buffer (Lumit® Lysis Buffer II), which broadens the range of cellular targets (see table below) that can be interrogated using the Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular System.

Also available are Complete Assays, which include sets of antibodies for several important signaling nodes—pERK, pAKT, pSTAT3, pIκBα and pBTK as well as several others. These are available as early access materials.

To save you time, we have evaluated a number of common targets using commercially available primary antibodies. We have expanded the number of Application Notes to include targets that are now accessible due to the new lysis buffer. Our collection of application notes contains protocols, example data, optimized conditions and ordering information for each primary antibody.

Lists of Validated Targets

Cellular Pathway Analysis Series

*New Lysis Protocol using Lumit® Lysis Buffer II.

Human Cellular Target Signaling Pathway Lumit®
Note / Complete Kit
Phospho-4E-BP1 (Ser 65) mTor Set 2 (W1331) App Note
AKT PI3K/mTOR/AKT Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-AKT (Ser 473) PI3K/mTOR/AKT Set 1 (W1201) App Note*/ Complete Kit
BCL6 B-cell signaling Set 1 (W1201) App Note
β-catenin (Human) WNT Set 2 (W1331) App Note
Phospho-β-catenin (Thr 41/Ser 45) WNT Set 2 (W1331) App Note
Burton's Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) B-cell Receptor (BCR) Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-BTK (Tyr 223) B-cell Receptor (BCR) Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-CHK1 (Ser 317) DDR Pathway Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-c-Jun (Ser 63) JNK Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-c-MET (Tyr 1234/1235) c-MET Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-c-MET (Tyr 1349) c-MET Set 1 (W1201) App Note
CREB PKA/CREB Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-CREB (Ser 133) PKA/CREB Set 1 (W1201) App Note
EGFR EGFR Set 1 (W1201) Complete Kit
Phospho-EGFR (Tyr 1068) EGFR Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-EGFR (Tyr 1173) EGFR Set 1 (W1201) App Note
ER (Estrogen Receptor) Estrogen Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-ERK1 (Thr 202) ERK Set 1 (W1201) App Note*/ Complete Kit
Phospho-GSK1-3β (Ser 9) GSK-3β Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-H2AX DDR Pathway Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-HER2 (Tyr 1196) HER2 Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-HER2 (Tyr 1221/1222) HER2 Set 1 (W1201) App Note
IκBα NF-κB Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-IκBα (Ser 32) NF-κB Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-JNK (Thr 183/Tyr 185) JNK Set 1 (W1201) App Note*/ Complete Kit
p65 NF-κB Set 2 (W1331) App Note*
Phospho-p65 (Ser 536) NF-κB Set 2 (W1331) App Note*/ Complete Kit
Rb (Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor) Cell Cycle Set 2 (W1331) App Note
Phospho-Rb (Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor) (Ser 780) Cell Cycle Set 2 (W1331) App Note
Phospho-Rb (Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor) (Ser 807/811) Cell Cycle Set 2 (W1331) App Note/ Complete Kit
Ribosomal Protein S6 PI3K/mTOR/AKT Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-Ribosomal Protein S6 (Ser 240/244) PI3K/mTOR/AKT Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Smad1 BMP Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-Smad1 (Ser 463/465) BMP Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Smad2 TGF-β Set 2 (W1331) App Note
Phospho-Smad2 (Ser 465/467) TGF-β Set 2 (W1331) App Note
STAT1 JAK/STAT Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-STAT1 (Tyr 701) JAK/STAT Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-STAT1 (Ser 727) JAK/STAT Set 1 (W1201) App Note
Phospho-STAT2 (Tyr 690) JAK/STAT Set 1 (W1201) App Note
STAT 3 JAK/STAT Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Phospho-STAT 3 (Tyr 705) JAK/STAT Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit

Targeted Protein Degradation Series

 Learn more about our solutions for targeted protein degradation.

Human Cellular Target Degrader(s) Lumit®
Note / Complete Kit
AKT PROTAC MS-21 Set 1 (W1201) App Note
B-cell lymphoma 6 protein (BCL-6) BI-3802 Set 1 (W1201) App Note
BRD4 PROTACs ARV-771, dBET6 Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
Burton's Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) PROTAC MT-802 Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit
ER (Estrogen Receptor) Fulvestrant Set 1 (W1201) App Note
SMARCA2 (BRM) PROTAC ACBI-1 See Application Note for details App Note/ Complete Kit
SMARCA4 (BRG1) PROTAC ACBI-1 Set 2 (W1331) App Note/ Complete Kit
STAT3 PROTAC SD-36 Set 1 (W1201) App Note/ Complete Kit

How the Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular System Works

Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular Systems include Lumit® Secondary Antibodies (rabbit and mouse; Lumit® Anti-Goat Antibody conjugates available separately), which are conjugated with NanoBiT® subunits: LgBiT and SmBiT. Binding of the antibody complexes brings LgBiT and SmBiT into close proximity to form an active NanoLuc® luciferase that produces light in proportion to the amount of target analyte.
See All Lumit® Secondary Antibodies
lumit immunoassay cellular system phosphoprotein detection

Simple One-Plate Protocol, No Wash Steps!

The Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular System does not require media removal or lysate transfer. The protocol simply involves addition of the labeled antibodies to the sample, addition of the detection reagent and reading of the luminescent signal—all in a single plate!


Lumit® Immunoassay vs. Western Blot

Lumit® Immunoassays are easier and much faster than traditional Western blots while generating comparable data.

Lumit immunoassay Wester blot protocol comparison
phospho-IkB lumit immunoassay vs Western blot
Total IkB lumit immunoassay vs Western blot

Quantitative Detection of Total and Phosphorylated Proteins


Using Lumit® Immunoassay Cellular Systems for Screening Novel Compounds in a Drug Discovery Process

Here, Dr. Tracey Martin from Cardiff University School of Medicine describes use of Lumit® Immunoassays in her work studying the motility protein N-WASP. The project involves screening 150 novel compounds to assess their effects on N-WASP expression and phosphorylation status. Multiple concentrations of each compound are tested in different cell types, generating a large number of samples. Originally the team were using Western blotting to look at N-WASP levels, however this was found to be too expensive and both labor and time-intensive.

Download Case Study


See More Data: This peer-reviewed paper published in Nature Communications Biology demonstrates how Lumit® Immunoassays were used to monitor multiple signaling pathway activation through specific nodes of phosphorylation (pIκBα, pAKT and pSTAT3).

Read the Paper


You are viewing: W1201 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación


G944C 1 × 50μl

Lumit® Detection Substrate C

VB103A 1 × 200μl

Lumit® Immunoassay Buffer C, 10X

VB115A 1 × 1.5ml

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-LgBiT

W102A 1 × 30μl

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-SmBiT

W103A 1 × 30μl

Antibody Dilution Buffer

W108A 1 × 1ml

GF-AFC Substrate

G608A-C 1 × 10μl

Lumit® Lysis Buffer II, 10X

VB310A 1 × 500μl

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Please see the Protocol for detailed storage conditions.

Patentes y Exclusiones

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,797,889, 9,797,890, 10,107,800 and 10,648,971 and other patents and patents pending.


You are viewing: W1202 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación


G944D 1 × 500μl

Lumit® Detection Substrate C

VB103B 2 × 1ml

Lumit® Immunoassay Buffer C, 10X

VB115B 1 × 15ml

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-LgBiT

W102B 1 × 300μl

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-SmBiT

W103B 1 × 300μl

Antibody Dilution Buffer

W108A 1 × 1ml

GF-AFC Substrate

G608A-C 2 × 10μl

Lumit® Lysis Buffer II, 10X

VB310B 1 × 5ml

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Please see the Protocol for detailed storage conditions.

Patentes y Exclusiones

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,797,889, 9,797,890, 10,107,800 and 10,648,971 and other patents and patents pending.


You are viewing: W1203 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación


G944D 10 × 500μl

Lumit® Detection Substrate C

VB103B 20 × 1ml

Lumit® Immunoassay Buffer C, 10X

VB115B 10 × 15ml

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-LgBiT

W102B 10 × 300μl

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-SmBiT

W103B 10 × 300μl

Antibody Dilution Buffer

W108A 10 × 1ml

GF-AFC Substrate

G608A 20 × 10μl

Lumit® Lysis Buffer II, 10X

VB310B 10 × 5ml

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje

Please see the Protocol for detailed storage conditions.

Patentes y Exclusiones

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,797,889, 9,797,890, 10,107,800 and 10,648,971 and other patents and patents pending.


You are viewing: W1331 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación


G944C 1 × 50μl

Lumit® Detection Substrate C

VB103A 1 × 200μl

Lumit® Immunoassay Buffer C, 10X

VB115A 1 × 1.5ml

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-LgBiT

W104A 1 × 30μl

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-SmBiT

W105A 1 × 30μl

Antibody Dilution Buffer

W108A 1 × 1ml

GF-AFC Substrate

G608A-C 1 × 10μl

Lumit® Lysis Buffer II, 10X

VB310A 1 × 500μl

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje

Please see the Protocol for detailed storage conditions.

Patentes y Exclusiones

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,797,889, 9,797,890, 10,107,800 and 10,648,971 and other patents and patents pending.


You are viewing: W1332 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación


G944D 1 × 500μl

Lumit® Detection Substrate C

VB103B 2 × 1ml

Lumit® Immunoassay Buffer C, 10X

VB115B 1 × 15ml

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-LgBiT

W104B 1 × 300μl

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-SmBiT

W105B 1 × 300μl

Antibody Dilution Buffer

W108A 1 × 1ml

GF-AFC Substrate

G608A-C 2 × 10μl

Lumit® Lysis Buffer II, 10X

VB310B 1 × 5ml

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje

Please see the Protocol for detailed storage conditions.

Patentes y Exclusiones

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,797,889, 9,797,890, 10,107,800 and 10,648,971 and other patents and patents pending.


You are viewing: W1333 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación


G944D 10 × 500μl

Lumit® Detection Substrate C

VB103B 20 × 1ml

Lumit® Immunoassay Buffer C, 10X

VB115B 10 × 15ml

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-LgBiT

W104B 10 × 300μl

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-SmBiT

W105B 10 × 300μl

Antibody Dilution Buffer

W108A 10 × 1ml

GF-AFC Substrate

G608A 20 × 10μl

Lumit® Lysis Buffer II, 10X

VB310B 10 × 5ml

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje

Please see the Protocol for detailed storage conditions.

Patentes y Exclusiones

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,797,889, 9,797,890, 10,107,800 and 10,648,971 and other patents and patents pending.


You are viewing: W1220 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación


G944C 2 × 50μl

Lumit® Detection Substrate C

VB103A 2 × 200μl

Lumit® Immunoassay Buffer C, 10X

VB115A 2 × 1.5ml

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-LgBiT

W102A 1 × 30μl

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-SmBiT

W103A 1 × 30μl

Lumit® Anti-Rabbit Ab-LgBiT

W104A 1 × 30μl

Lumit® Anti-Mouse Ab-SmBiT

W105A 1 × 30μl

Antibody Dilution Buffer

W108A 1 × 1ml

GF-AFC Substrate

G608A-C 1 × 10μl

Lumit® Lysis Buffer II, 10X

VB310A 2 × 500μl

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Please see the Protocol for detailed storage conditions.

Patentes y Exclusiones

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,797,889, 9,797,890, 10,107,800 and 10,648,971 and other patents and patents pending.

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