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Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit

Maxwell 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit 48 preps
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Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit

Hands-Free Purification of PCR-Ready DNA from 1–16 Plant Samples

The Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit is used with the Maxwell® 16 Instrument to provide an easy method for efficient, automated purification of genomic DNA (gDNA) from plant tissue samples, including corn, soybean and Arabidopsis. DNA can be purified from up to 16 samples in less than 60 minutes with minimal preprocessing and no organic extractions. The purified DNA contains minimal contaminants and enzyme inhibitors, and it is ready for use in downstream applications such as real-time PCR, gel electrophoresis, microarrays and sequencing (e.g., NGS and Sanger).

The Maxwell® Plant DNA Kits rapidly produce high-quality DNA for use in sequencing and qPCR-based applications in plant genetics and molecular plant breeding, including gene expression profiling, analysis of genetic variation in plants and genotype/phenotype analysis.

High DNA Yield from a Range of Plant Species

The cellulose-based particles in the Maxwell® Kits have higher binding capacity than silica-based DNA purification methods, giving consistently high yields. The low elution volume allows generation of more concentrated DNA than other purification methods.

The example data shown here compares the DNA yield from soybean, wheat, corn and Arabidopsis using the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit and a competitor method. DNA was quantified using the QuantiFluor® dsDNA Dye and Quantus™ Fluorometer.


Low Elution Volume Allows Purification of More Concentrated DNA

These examples show how the low elution volume used in the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant Kit method results in highly concentrated purified DNA.

DNA was extracted from flash-frozen leaf samples (~20mg each) using either a CTAB protocol, the Maxwell® Plant DNA Kit or the Qiagen DNeasy® Plant Mini Kit. Samples were bead-beaten for 40 seconds at 6m/s and processed according to each manufacturer’s protocol. Maxwell® samples were eluted in 50µl, Qiagen samples in 200µl, and CTAB samples in 100µl. Species-specific primers were used for quantitation by qPCR, and a standard curve was generated for each plant species using control DNA (Zyagen Life Science Products) with the GoTaq® qPCR System (Cat.# A6001). For qPCR, each sample was run in a 50µl reaction with 2µl input DNA. Standard deviations represent n=9 for Arabidopsis and n=6 for corn.


Minimal Downstream PCR Inhibition

DNA purified with the Maxwell® Plant DNA Kits is ready for use in downstream applications, including qPCR. PCR using DNA purified with the Maxwell® Plant DNA Kits shows no significant evidence of inhibitors.

In this experiment, samples (n=5) purified from various plant species using the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit and the indicated preprocessing methods were added to a TaqMan® Exogenous Internal Positive Control (IPC) reaction. IPC reagents contain a pre-optimized internal positive control with predesigned primers and TaqMan® probe. Samples can be added to IPC reactions to determine whether PCR inhibitors are present. A ΔCt value of zero indicates no inhibition, and a ΔCt of 2 or below is considered acceptable. The observed ΔCt values for the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA samples indicate minimal inhibition.


These examples show how the low elution volume used in the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant Kit method results in highly concentrated purified DNA.



Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately

Tail Lysis Buffer (TLA)

A509C 1 × 25ml View Product

RNase A Solution

A797C 1 × 1ml 4mg/ml View Product

Elution Buffer

A828D 1 × 20ml View Product

Maxwell® 16 LEV Cartridge (MCD)

AS127A 48 × 1 each

LEV Plungers

AS610A 1 × 50/pk View Product

Elution Tubes (0.5ml)

AS620A 1 × 50/pk View Product

Nuclease-Free Water

P119C 1 × 25ml View Product

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

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