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GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase

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PCR Satisfaction Guaranteed

Optimize Enzyme and Magnesium Concentrations in Your PCR

  • Mg-free reaction buffers for ease of optimization
  • Direct-to-gel convenience
  • Supplied at a concentration of 5u/μl


Catalog number selected: M8291

$ 44.00
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GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase
$ 44.00
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Maximum Flexibility, Control and Convenience for Optimizing PCR

GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase is a proprietary formulation of Taq DNA polymerase that gives robust amplification equal to and in some cases superior to that of standard Taq. The supplied 5X Green and Colorless Flexi Reaction Buffers do not contain magnesium. A separate tube of 25mM MgCl2 is included, giving you the option to titrate Mg2+concentration in your reactions. MgCl2 Solution is also available separately.

GoTaq® products streamline your PCR workflow. You can directly substitute GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase, with either Colorless or Green Reaction Buffer, in your current PCR application without altering your cycling conditions. Green GoTaq® Reaction Buffer serves as both reaction buffer and gel-loading solution, allowing you to load reactions directly onto a gel for efficient analysis. GoTaq® products are compatible with PCR enhancers, such as betaine and DMSO, which do not affect the color or characteristics of the GoTaq® Green Reaction Buffer.


pcr-guaranteegray-circlePerformance Guarantee: Promega PCR systems, enzymes and reagents are proven in PCR to ensure reliable, high-performance results. If you are not completely satisfied with any Promega PCR product, we will send a replacement or refund your account.


You are viewing: M8291 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately


A351B 1 × 750μl 25mM View Product

GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase

M829A 1 × 100u

5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M890A 1 × 1ml View Product

5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M891A 1 × 1ml View Product

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Laboratory Use. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated.

Condiciones de Almacenaje



You are viewing: M8295 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately


A351H 3 × 1.2ml 25mM View Product

GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase

M829B 1 × 500u

5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M890A 4 × 1ml View Product

5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M891A 4 × 1ml View Product

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Laboratory Use. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated.

Condiciones de Almacenaje



You are viewing: M8296 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately


A351H 15 × 1.2ml 25mM View Product

GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase

M829B 5 × 500u

5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M890A 20 × 1ml View Product

5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M891A 20 × 1ml View Product

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Laboratory Use. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated.

Condiciones de Almacenaje



You are viewing: M8297 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately


A351H 30 × 1.2ml 25mM View Product

GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase

M829B 10 × 500u

5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M890A 40 × 1ml View Product

5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M891A 40 × 1ml View Product

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Laboratory Use. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated.

Condiciones de Almacenaje



You are viewing: M8298 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately


A351H 60 × 1.2ml 25mM View Product

GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase

M829B 20 × 500u

5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M890A 80 × 1ml View Product

5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Buffer

M891A 80 × 1ml View Product

Certificado de Análisis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Laboratory Use. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated.

Condiciones de Almacenaje




  • Utilizing next generation sequencing to characterize microsatellite loci in a tropical aquatic plant species Cryptocoryne cordata var. cordata (Araceae)
    2015 Biochem. Syst. Ecol.
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