NanoBRET® TE Intracellular E3 Ligase Assays

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Measure E3 Ligase Target Engagement and Compound Intracellular Availability

  • Quantitate intracellular affinity of compounds for CRBN or VHL E3 ubiquitin ligases in live cells
  • Execute a simple workflow to calculate compound intracellular availability, a measure of permeability, to aid in compound prioritization
  • Scalable assays using addition-only protocols

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NanoBRET® TE Intracellular E3 Ligase Assays
Assay, CRBN/100 assays
$ 805.00
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Measure Degrader Compound Cellular Affinity and Availability

Protein degradation via small molecules such as PROTACs or molecular glues is governed by multiple steps. The initial steps involve entry of the small molecule degrader compound into the cell, followed by binding to the E3 ubiquitin ligase and protein target. The NanoBRET® TE Intracellular E3 Ligase Assays quantitate both intracellular target engagement and intracellular degrader compound availability. 

These assays are based on the NanoBRET® technology, an energy transfer technique designed to measure molecular proximity in living cells. Specifically, the NanoBRET® Target Engagement (TE) Intracellular E3 Ligase Assays allow live cell measurement of degrader compound affinity for an E3 ubiquitin ligase protein, Cereblon (CRBN) or von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor (VHL). In addition, the assays can be used to quantify intracellular availability of a compound. As heterobifunctional degraders like PROTACs often have high molecular weight, they may suffer from poor cell permeability or intracellular availability. By performing a simple workflow involving two unique assay modes (live-cell and permeabilized-cell),  the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays can be used to calculate the intracellular availability of a degrader compound.

Want to accelerate your drug discovery workflow? Our Tailored R&D Solutions team offers services using the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays.

In addition to NanoBRET® E3 Ligase Assays, Promega offers a complete portfolio of cell-based assays for use in development of effective protein degraders. 

How the NanoBRET® E3 Ligase Assays Work

NanoBRET® Target Engagement (TE) Assays provide live-cell measurement of test compound affinity for a target protein via bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). This involves transfer of luminescent energy from a NanoLuc® luciferase-target fusion protein expressed in cells to a cell-permeable fluorescent NanoBRET® Tracer that binds to the target protein. For the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays, the NanoLuc®-E3 ligase fusion protein is expressed in mammalian cells. To generate a BRET signal, a fixed concentration of a cell-permeable fluorescent NanoBRET® TE Tracer is added to these cells and binds to the NanoLuc®-E3 ligase fusion protein. Addition of compounds that bind to the E3 ligase results in a dose-dependent decrease in NanoBRET® signal. This data allows quantitation of the intracellular affinity of degrader compounds for a target E3 ligase protein in live cells.

E3 Ligase Assays measure intracellular availability of protein degrader compounds
Quantitation of the intracellular affinity of degrader compounds for a target E3 ligase protein in live cells.

The NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays can be used to measure intracellular availability of degrader compounds, providing a measure of compound permeability. To measure intracellular availability, a simple workflow for the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays can be performed that involves two modes, a live-cell mode and a permeabilized-cell mode. In the live-cell mode, the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays measure intracellular affinity of the compound, where cellular factors such as the plasma membrane can impact binding potency. In the permeabilized-cell mode, the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays quantify the intrinsic affinity the compound has for the E3 ligase in the absence of the cell membrane. Affinity data from both modes is then used to calculate intracellular availability of a compound relative to a control compound. Comparison of intracellular availability between compounds provides a means to prioritize compounds based on properties associated with permeability.

Workflow overview for evaluating PROTAC target engagement and intracellular availability

Workflow overview for evaluating PROTAC target engagement and intracellular availability. The Live-Cell Mode can be used to measure PROTAC intracellular affinity. The Permeabilized-Cell Mode can be used to measure PROTAC intrinsic affinity. Execution of both modes allows determination of a compound's relative binding affinity from the observed potency shift. By normalizing this relative shift in binding potency, a parameter called the Availability Index can be calculated. The Availability Index is a quantitative measure of the intracellular availability of different compounds compared to a control compound.

Quantifying E3 Ligase Target Engagement and Intracellular Availability using NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays

Shown below is an intracellular availability workflow example for the NanoBRET® TE Intracellular E3 Ligase Assays. It involves:

  • Performing the live-cell assay mode to determine intracellular compound affinity
  • Performing the permeabilized-cell assay mode to determine compound affinity in the absence of the cell membrane
  • Calculating the intracellular availability for a compound using live-cell and permeabilized-cell mode data


Intracellular Affinity in Live-Cell Mode

Quantifying the intracellular affinity of ligands for a target E3 ligase in live cells

The NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays can be used to quantify the intracellular affinity of ligands for a target E3 ligase in live cells. Shown here, the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase CRBN Assay was used to quantify the intracellular affinity of two PROTACs (dBET1 and dBET6) and two small-molecule CRBN molecular glues (iberdomide and lenalidomide). The NanoLuc®-CRBN fusion protein was transiently expressed in HEK293 cells. Both PROTACs have weaker affinity for CRBN compared to iberdomide or lenalidomide; the live cell affinities are tabularized below.

Affinity in Permeabilized-Cell Mode

E3 Ligase CRBN Assay data showing intrinsic affinity for PROTACs  and small molecule CRBN molecular glues.

Using the permeabilized-cell mode for the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays, the intrinsic affinity of ligands for a target E3 ligase can be quantified in the absence of the cell membrane. Shown here, the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase CRBN Assay was used to quantify the intrinsic affinity for the same two PROTACs (dBET1 and dBET6) and small-molecule CRBN molecular glues (iberdomide and lenalidomide). The NanoLuc®-CRBN fusion protein was transiently expressed in HEK293 cells. The permeabilized cell affinities are tabularized below. The affinities of both PROTACs in permeabilized cells were stronger relative to that measured in live cells, while the affinities of the molecular glues were only minimally changed between permeabilized- and live-cell modes.

Calculating Intracellular Availability

 Relative binding affinity and intracellular availability index for protacs

Using the results from the live-cell and permeabilized-cell modes of the NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assay, the relative binding affinity (RBA) and intracellular availability index (AI) can be calculated. The RBA for a compound is the ratio of its affinitylive / affinityperm. Shown here, the RBA of the four compounds tested above were calculated. Calculating the intracellular availability index involves normalizing the RBA of a compound to the RBA a control compound (RBAcompound/RBAcontrol). This enables comparison of intracellular availability across compounds. In this example:

  • Lenalidomide was used as the control compound, yielding an AI equal to 1. An AI >1 would indicate intracellular availability that is less than the control compound, while an AI <1 would indicate greater intracellular availability compared to the control.
  • The PROTAC dBET1 had the highest AI value and therefore the least intracellular availability among the tested compounds.
  • dBET6 had approximately tenfold lower AI value and greater intracellular availability compared to dBET1.
  • Iberdomide demonstrated high cellular availability, comparable to that of the control lenalidomide.

Simplify the Workflow with Ready-to-Assay Cells!

NanoBRET® CRBN and VHL TE Thaw-and-Use HEK293 Cells are assay-ready cells already transfected with the necessary expression vectors. This  eliminates the time-consuming steps of pre-experiment cell culturing and transfection. Simply thaw, dilute and plate the cells before setting up the NanoBRET® TE Intracellular E3 Ligase Assays, and get data within a few hours!

Illustration of NanoBRET™ TE Intracellular E3 Ligase Assay simplified workflow.

Stable HEK293 cell lines for NanoLuc®-CRBN and VHL-NanoLuc® are also available to be used with the NanoBRET® TE Intracellular E3 Ligase Assays.

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In the Literature

Enhancing intracellular accumulation and target engagement of PROTACs with reversible covalent chemistry.

Learn how the authors of this Nature Communications article utilized NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays to quantify PROTAC intracellular accumulation and engagement.

Read Paper

Looking for NanoBRET® TE E3 Ligase Assays for other E3 Ligases?

  • Additional assays have been developed for cIAP1, cIAP2, XIAP and MDM2 and are available in Early Access.
  • NanoBRET® 590 Dyes can be used to generate NanoBRET® tracers against your E3 ligase of interest and develop your own TE.
  • Our Tailored R&D Solutions team offers tracer synthesis and assay development for novel protein targets.
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You are viewing: N2910 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately

NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate

N157A 1 × 50μl View Product

Tracer Dilution Buffer

N219A 1 × 5ml View Product

Extracellular NanoLuc® Inhibitor

N235A 1 × 17μl View Product

NanoLuc®-CRBN Fusion Vector

N274A 1 × 20μg 1μg/μl View Product

DDB1 Expression Vector

N276A 1 × 20μg 1μg/μl View Product

NanoBRET® TE Tracer CRBN

N290A 1 × 30μl 400μM

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

NanoBRET® TE LAR Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researcher must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoBRET® TE Tracers Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(i) use NanoLuc®-branded luciferase or derivatives for all energy transfer determinations conducted with this product; and
(ii) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; or
(iii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not listed above or manufactured by Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product in assays not involving bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET).

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoLuc® ORF TE Vector Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no transfer or commercial use of this product is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of the luciferase gene. No other use of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
(1a) use Nano-Glo®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs) for all determinations of luminescence activity of this product; or
(1b) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not manufactured by Promega.

For uses of this product (NanoLuc® ORF Vector) for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(2a) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; and
(2b) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(2c) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,557,970, 8,669,103, 9,777,311, 9,840,730, 9,951,373, 10,233,485, 10,633,690, 10,774,364, 10,844,422, 11,365,436, 11,661,623, 11,667,950; European Pat. Nos. 2456864, 2635595, 2990478, 3181687, 3409764; Japanese Pat. Nos. 6038649, 6155424, 6227615, 6374420, 6539689; and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,067,149 and 10,024,862, European Pat. No. 2932267, Japanese Pat. Nos. 6751294 and 7092691 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,513,694, European Pat. No. 3313846 and other patents.

Licensed from Kazusa Genome Technologies.


You are viewing: N2911 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately

NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate

N157C 1 × 330μl View Product

Tracer Dilution Buffer

N219A 1 × 5ml View Product

Extracellular NanoLuc® Inhibitor

N235B 1 × 110μl View Product

NanoLuc®-CRBN Fusion Vector

N274A 1 × 20μg 1μg/μl View Product

DDB1 Expression Vector

N276A 3 × 20μg 1μg/μl View Product

NanoBRET® TE Tracer CRBN

N290B 1 × 300μl 400μM

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

NanoBRET® TE LAR Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researcher must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoBRET® TE Tracers Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(i) use NanoLuc®-branded luciferase or derivatives for all energy transfer determinations conducted with this product; and
(ii) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; or
(iii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not listed above or manufactured by Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product in assays not involving bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET).

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoLuc® ORF TE Vector Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no transfer or commercial use of this product is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of the luciferase gene. No other use of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
(1a) use Nano-Glo®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs) for all determinations of luminescence activity of this product; or
(1b) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not manufactured by Promega.

For uses of this product (NanoLuc® ORF Vector) for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(2a) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; and
(2b) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(2c) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,557,970, 8,669,103, 9,777,311, 9,840,730, 9,951,373, 10,233,485, 10,633,690, 10,774,364, 10,844,422, 11,365,436, 11,661,623, 11,667,950; European Pat. Nos. 2456864, 2635595, 2990478, 3181687, 3409764; Japanese Pat. Nos. 6038649, 6155424, 6227615, 6374420, 6539689; and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,067,149 and 10,024,862, European Pat. No. 2932267, Japanese Pat. Nos. 6751294 and 7092691 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,513,694, European Pat. No. 3313846 and other patents.

Licensed from Kazusa Genome Technologies.


You are viewing: N2912 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately

NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate

N157D 1 × 3.3ml View Product

Tracer Dilution Buffer

N219B 1 × 50ml View Product

Extracellular NanoLuc® Inhibitor

N235C 1 × 1.1ml View Product

NanoBRET® TE Tracer CRBN

N290B 10 × 300μl 400μM

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

NanoBRET® TE LAR Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researcher must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoBRET® TE Tracers Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(i) use NanoLuc®-branded luciferase or derivatives for all energy transfer determinations conducted with this product; and
(ii) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; or
(iii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not listed above or manufactured by Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product in assays not involving bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET).

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,557,970, 8,669,103, 9,777,311, 9,840,730, 9,951,373, 10,233,485, 10,633,690, 10,774,364, 10,844,422, 11,365,436, 11,661,623, 11,667,950; European Pat. Nos. 2456864, 2635595, 2990478, 3181687, 3409764; Japanese Pat. Nos. 6038649, 6155424, 6227615, 6374420, 6539689; and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,067,149 and 10,024,862, European Pat. No. 2932267, Japanese Pat. Nos. 6751294 and 7092691 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,513,694, European Pat. No. 3313846 and other patents.


You are viewing: N2930 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately

Transfection Carrier DNA

E488A 1 × 20μg 1μg/μl View Product

NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate

N157A 1 × 50μl View Product

Tracer Dilution Buffer

N219A 1 × 5ml View Product

Extracellular NanoLuc® Inhibitor

N235A 1 × 17μl View Product

VHL-NanoLuc® Fusion Vector

N275A 1 × 20μg 1μg/μl View Product

NanoBRET® TE Tracer VHL

N292A 1 × 30μl 400μM

Certificado de Análisis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

NanoBRET® TE LAR Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researcher must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoBRET® TE Tracers Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(i) use NanoLuc®-branded luciferase or derivatives for all energy transfer determinations conducted with this product; and
(ii) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; or
(iii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not listed above or manufactured by Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product in assays not involving bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET).

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoLuc® ORF TE Vector Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no transfer or commercial use of this product is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of the luciferase gene. No other use of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
(1a) use Nano-Glo®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs) for all determinations of luminescence activity of this product; or
(1b) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not manufactured by Promega.

For uses of this product (NanoLuc® ORF Vector) for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(2a) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; and
(2b) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(2c) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,557,970, 8,669,103, 9,777,311, 9,840,730, 9,951,373, 10,233,485, 10,633,690, 10,774,364, 10,844,422, 11,365,436, 11,661,623, 11,667,950; European Pat. Nos. 2456864, 2635595, 2990478, 3181687, 3409764; Japanese Pat. Nos. 6038649, 6155424, 6227615, 6374420, 6539689; and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,067,149 and 10,024,862, European Pat. No. 2932267, Japanese Pat. Nos. 6751294 and 7092691 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,513,694, European Pat. No. 3313846 and other patents.

Licensed from Kazusa Genome Technologies.


You are viewing: N2931 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately

Transfection Carrier DNA

E488B 1 × 100μg View Product

NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate

N157C 1 × 330μl View Product

Tracer Dilution Buffer

N219A 1 × 5ml View Product

Extracellular NanoLuc® Inhibitor

N235B 1 × 110μl View Product

VHL-NanoLuc® Fusion Vector

N275A 1 × 20μg 1μg/μl View Product

NanoBRET® TE Tracer VHL

N292B 1 × 300μl 400μM

Certificado de Análisis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

NanoBRET® TE LAR Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researcher must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoBRET® TE Tracers Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(i) use NanoLuc®-branded luciferase or derivatives for all energy transfer determinations conducted with this product; and
(ii) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; or
(iii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not listed above or manufactured by Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product in assays not involving bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET).

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoLuc® ORF TE Vector Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no transfer or commercial use of this product is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of the luciferase gene. No other use of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
(1a) use Nano-Glo®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs) for all determinations of luminescence activity of this product; or
(1b) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not manufactured by Promega.

For uses of this product (NanoLuc® ORF Vector) for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(2a) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; and
(2b) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(2c) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,557,970, 8,669,103, 9,777,311, 9,840,730, 9,951,373, 10,233,485, 10,633,690, 10,774,364, 10,844,422, 11,365,436, 11,661,623, 11,667,950; European Pat. Nos. 2456864, 2635595, 2990478, 3181687, 3409764; Japanese Pat. Nos. 6038649, 6155424, 6227615, 6374420, 6539689; and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,067,149 and 10,024,862, European Pat. No. 2932267, Japanese Pat. Nos. 6751294 and 7092691 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,513,694, European Pat. No. 3313846 and other patents.

Licensed from Kazusa Genome Technologies.


You are viewing: N2932 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación Concentración Available Separately

NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate

N157D 1 × 3.3ml View Product

Tracer Dilution Buffer

N219B 1 × 50ml View Product

Extracellular NanoLuc® Inhibitor

N235C 1 × 1.1ml View Product

NanoBRET® TE Tracer VHL

N292B 10 × 300μl 400μM

Certificado de Análisis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

NanoBRET® TE LAR Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researcher must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET® tracers, NanoBRET® dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays using energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

NanoBRET® TE Tracers Limited Use Label License

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of this product for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), researcher must:
(i) use NanoLuc®-branded luciferase or derivatives for all energy transfer determinations conducted with this product; and
(ii) use NanoBRET®-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET® Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine®/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity; or
(iii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product with LARs not listed above or manufactured by Promega.

In addition, researcher must:
Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product in assays not involving bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET).

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,557,970, 8,669,103, 9,777,311, 9,840,730, 9,951,373, 10,233,485, 10,633,690, 10,774,364, 10,844,422, 11,365,436, 11,661,623, 11,667,950; European Pat. Nos. 2456864, 2635595, 2990478, 3181687, 3409764; Japanese Pat. Nos. 6038649, 6155424, 6227615, 6374420, 6539689; and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 8,809,529, European Pat. No. 2635582, Japanese Pat. No. 5889910 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,067,149 and 10,024,862, European Pat. No. 2932267, Japanese Pat. Nos. 6751294 and 7092691 and other patents and patents pending.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,513,694, European Pat. No. 3313846 and other patents.


You are viewing: CS1810E20 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación
CS1810E19 1 ×

Certificado de Análisis

Search by lot number

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

Promega Cell Line Limited Use Label License (LULL)


  • 1. Usage and Transfer Restrictions:
    • 1.1. Recipient may use this material for research use only, which includes but is not limited to drug discovery and development, quality assurance testing and product release assays. No transfer, resale or commercial use of this material is allowed without the written consent of Promega Corporation.
    • 1.2. “Commercial use” means any and all uses of this material or derivatives by recipient for monetary or other consideration, including product manufacture, providing a service, information or data to unaffiliated third parties and resale of the material for any use.
  • 2. Modification Restrictions:
    • 2.1. Recipient shall have no right to modify, derivatize or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of any proprietary gene, including but not limited to luciferase, NanoBiT® technology (e.g., HiBiT), HaloTag® technology or genes stably transfected within the cells.
    • 2.2. Recipient shall have no right to genetically engineer or otherwise modify the cell line.
  • 3. Propagation and Storage:
    • 3.1. The recipient may not propagate the cells, unless material is marked as Propagation Model, Cell Bank or Master Cell Bank; then recipient may propagate and store the cells for long-term use.
  • 4. For all determinations of luminescence or other assay-related activity of this material and its derivatives, recipient must either:
    • 4.1. Use the detection systems specified in the protocol or data report and purchased from Promega for all luminescence assays when using this material; or
    • 4.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of this material with reagents other than a Bio-Glo™ branded luciferase reagent, including but not limited to:
      • 4.2.1 Bio-Glo™, Bio-Glo-NL™, Bio-Glo-NB™ TCK, Bio-Glo-NB™ VLP, Bio-Glo-NB™ Lytic
  • 5. For uses of this material for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), recipient must:
    • 5.1. Use NanoBRET™-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET™ Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine™/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity by this material and its derivatives; and
    • 5.2. Use NanoBRET™-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET™ tracers, NanoBRET™ dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this material and its derivatives; or
    • 5.3. Contact Promega to obtain a license for the use of the material and its derivatives for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.
  • 6. For uses of HaloTag® Technology in this material, recipient must either:
    • 6.1. Use Promega HaloTag® ligands, which can be modified or linked to Promega or customer-supplied moieties; or
    • 6.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license if Promega HaloTag® ligands are not to be used.
  • 7. Disclaimer and Governing Law:


You are viewing: CS1810E21 Cambiar Configuración


Item Part # Presentación
CS1810E19 5 ×

Certificado de Análisis

Search by lot number

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

Promega Cell Line Limited Use Label License (LULL)


  • 1. Usage and Transfer Restrictions:
    • 1.1. Recipient may use this material for research use only, which includes but is not limited to drug discovery and development, quality assurance testing and product release assays. No transfer, resale or commercial use of this material is allowed without the written consent of Promega Corporation.
    • 1.2. “Commercial use” means any and all uses of this material or derivatives by recipient for monetary or other consideration, including product manufacture, providing a service, information or data to unaffiliated third parties and resale of the material for any use.
  • 2. Modification Restrictions:
    • 2.1. Recipient shall have no right to modify, derivatize or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of any proprietary gene, including but not limited to luciferase, NanoBiT® technology (e.g., HiBiT), HaloTag® technology or genes stably transfected within the cells.
    • 2.2. Recipient shall have no right to genetically engineer or otherwise modify the cell line.
  • 3. Propagation and Storage:
    • 3.1. The recipient may not propagate the cells, unless material is marked as Propagation Model, Cell Bank or Master Cell Bank; then recipient may propagate and store the cells for long-term use.
  • 4. For all determinations of luminescence or other assay-related activity of this material and its derivatives, recipient must either:
    • 4.1. Use the detection systems specified in the protocol or data report and purchased from Promega for all luminescence assays when using this material; or
    • 4.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of this material with reagents other than a Bio-Glo™ branded luciferase reagent, including but not limited to:
      • 4.2.1 Bio-Glo™, Bio-Glo-NL™, Bio-Glo-NB™ TCK, Bio-Glo-NB™ VLP, Bio-Glo-NB™ Lytic
  • 5. For uses of this material for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), recipient must:
    • 5.1. Use NanoBRET™-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET™ Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine™/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity by this material and its derivatives; and
    • 5.2. Use NanoBRET™-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET™ tracers, NanoBRET™ dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this material and its derivatives; or
    • 5.3. Contact Promega to obtain a license for the use of the material and its derivatives for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.
  • 6. For uses of HaloTag® Technology in this material, recipient must either:
    • 6.1. Use Promega HaloTag® ligands, which can be modified or linked to Promega or customer-supplied moieties; or
    • 6.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license if Promega HaloTag® ligands are not to be used.
  • 7. Disclaimer and Governing Law:


You are viewing: CS1810E23 Cambiar Configuración

Certificado de Análisis

Search by lot number

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

Promega Cell Line Limited Use Label License (LULL)


  • 1. Usage and Transfer Restrictions:
    • 1.1. Recipient may use this material for research use only, which includes but is not limited to drug discovery and development, quality assurance testing and product release assays. No transfer, resale or commercial use of this material is allowed without the written consent of Promega Corporation.
    • 1.2. “Commercial use” means any and all uses of this material or derivatives by recipient for monetary or other consideration, including product manufacture, providing a service, information or data to unaffiliated third parties and resale of the material for any use.
  • 2. Modification Restrictions:
    • 2.1. Recipient shall have no right to modify, derivatize or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of any proprietary gene, including but not limited to luciferase, NanoBiT® technology (e.g., HiBiT), HaloTag® technology or genes stably transfected within the cells.
    • 2.2. Recipient shall have no right to genetically engineer or otherwise modify the cell line.
  • 3. Propagation and Storage:
    • 3.1. The recipient may not propagate the cells, unless material is marked as Propagation Model, Cell Bank or Master Cell Bank; then recipient may propagate and store the cells for long-term use.
  • 4. For all determinations of luminescence or other assay-related activity of this material and its derivatives, recipient must either:
    • 4.1. Use the detection systems specified in the protocol or data report and purchased from Promega for all luminescence assays when using this material; or
    • 4.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of this material with reagents other than a Bio-Glo™ branded luciferase reagent, including but not limited to:
      • 4.2.1 Bio-Glo™, Bio-Glo-NL™, Bio-Glo-NB™ TCK, Bio-Glo-NB™ VLP, Bio-Glo-NB™ Lytic
  • 5. For uses of this material for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), recipient must:
    • 5.1. Use NanoBRET™-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET™ Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine™/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity by this material and its derivatives; and
    • 5.2. Use NanoBRET™-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET™ tracers, NanoBRET™ dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this material and its derivatives; or
    • 5.3. Contact Promega to obtain a license for the use of the material and its derivatives for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.
  • 6. For uses of HaloTag® Technology in this material, recipient must either:
    • 6.1. Use Promega HaloTag® ligands, which can be modified or linked to Promega or customer-supplied moieties; or
    • 6.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license if Promega HaloTag® ligands are not to be used.
  • 7. Disclaimer and Governing Law:


You are viewing: CS1810E24 Cambiar Configuración

Certificado de Análisis

Search by lot number

Condiciones de Almacenaje


Patentes y Exclusiones

Promega Cell Line Limited Use Label License (LULL)


  • 1. Usage and Transfer Restrictions:
    • 1.1. Recipient may use this material for research use only, which includes but is not limited to drug discovery and development, quality assurance testing and product release assays. No transfer, resale or commercial use of this material is allowed without the written consent of Promega Corporation.
    • 1.2. “Commercial use” means any and all uses of this material or derivatives by recipient for monetary or other consideration, including product manufacture, providing a service, information or data to unaffiliated third parties and resale of the material for any use.
  • 2. Modification Restrictions:
    • 2.1. Recipient shall have no right to modify, derivatize or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of any proprietary gene, including but not limited to luciferase, NanoBiT® technology (e.g., HiBiT), HaloTag® technology or genes stably transfected within the cells.
    • 2.2. Recipient shall have no right to genetically engineer or otherwise modify the cell line.
  • 3. Propagation and Storage:
    • 3.1. The recipient may not propagate the cells, unless material is marked as Propagation Model, Cell Bank or Master Cell Bank; then recipient may propagate and store the cells for long-term use.
  • 4. For all determinations of luminescence or other assay-related activity of this material and its derivatives, recipient must either:
    • 4.1. Use the detection systems specified in the protocol or data report and purchased from Promega for all luminescence assays when using this material; or
    • 4.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license for use of this material with reagents other than a Bio-Glo™ branded luciferase reagent, including but not limited to:
      • 4.2.1 Bio-Glo™, Bio-Glo-NL™, Bio-Glo-NB™ TCK, Bio-Glo-NB™ VLP, Bio-Glo-NB™ Lytic
  • 5. For uses of this material for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer), recipient must:
    • 5.1. Use NanoBRET™-branded luminescent assay reagents (LARs; e.g., NanoBRET™ Nano-Glo® Substrate), Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Substrate/Inhibitor or Intracellular TE Nano-Glo® Vivazine™/Inhibitor for all determinations of luminescent activity by this material and its derivatives; and
    • 5.2. Use NanoBRET™-branded energy acceptors (e.g., NanoBRET™ tracers, NanoBRET™ dyes, BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this material and its derivatives; or
    • 5.3. Contact Promega to obtain a license for the use of the material and its derivatives for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega. No license is needed if the energy transfer acceptor is a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein.
  • 6. For uses of HaloTag® Technology in this material, recipient must either:
    • 6.1. Use Promega HaloTag® ligands, which can be modified or linked to Promega or customer-supplied moieties; or
    • 6.2. Contact Promega to obtain a license if Promega HaloTag® ligands are not to be used.
  • 7. Disclaimer and Governing Law:

Encontremos el producto que se adapte a sus necesidades.

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