PureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System Technical Bulletin

Instructions for Use of Product(s)
A1222, A1223

Literature # TB374

The PureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System isolates high-quality plasmid DNA for use in eukaryotic transfection and in vitro expression experiments. The system provides a rapid method to purify plasmid DNA using a silica membrane column. Plasmid DNA can be purified in less than 10 minutes, depending on the number of samples processed. The PureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System incorporates a unique Endotoxin Removal Wash to remove protein, RNA and endotoxin contaminants from purified plasmid DNA.

Summary of Changes
The following changes were made to the 9/24 revision of this document:
1. Updated TB template, cover image and fonts.
2. Changed Notes after Step 10, Section 4.A from numbered to alphabetical list.
3. Removed discontinued products.
4. Removed an expired patent statement.
5. Updated storage temperatures to temperature ranges, per revised style.

Revised 9/24.

Experienced User Protocols