RealTime-Glo™ MT Cell Viability Assay Technical Manual
Instructions for Use of Product(s)
G9711, G9712, G9713
Literature # TM431
The RealTime-Glo™ MT Cell Viability Assay is a nonlytic, homogeneous, bioluminescent method to measure cell viability in real time using a simple, plate-based method. The nonlytic nature of this assay allows the cells to be used for further downstream applications, including multiplexing with a variety of assay chemistries. The RealTime-Glo™ MT Cell Viability Assay determines the number of viable cells in culture by measuring the reducing potential of cells and thus metabolism. The assay involves adding NanoLuc® luciferase and a cell-permeant prosubstrate, the MT Cell Viability Substrate, to cells in culture. Viable cells reduce the proprietary prosubstrate to generate a substrate for NanoLuc® luciferase. This substrate diffuses from cells into the surrounding culture medium, where it is rapidly used by the NanoLuc® Enzyme to produce a luminescent signal. The signal correlates with the number of viable cells, making the assay well suited for cytotoxicity studies.
Summary of Changes
The following changes were made to the 12/21 revision of this document:
1. Updated Sections 5 and 7.E to reinforce steps to remove precipitate if it occurs in RealTime-Glo™ reagent.
2. The cover image was updated.
Revised 12/21.