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Feature Stories

Explore the science behind our work, and discover how our products and technologies touch lives around the world.


bioluminescent fungus glowing green

Shining Light on Molecular Darkness

Taking a lesson from nature, researchers are using bioluminescence technology to understand various aspects of cell biology.

Cell Biology

scientist looking at a plate of cells under a microscope

The Promises and Challenges of 3D Models

Are 3D cell models more physiologically relevant than conventional 2D cultures?

Colorectal Cancer

Living Life to the Fullest: A Decade with Lynch Syndrome

Living Life to the Fullest: A Decade with Lynch Syndrome

Read the story of Mike Dampf, who found out he had Lynch syndrome when he was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 37.

Altering Genetic Destiny: The Life-Saving Power of Lynch Syndrome Detection

Altering Genetic Destiny: The Life-Saving Power of Lynch Syndrome Detection

Lynch Syndrome is the most common form of hereditary colon cancer. Learn about Jacqueline Rush, who lost her battle with colorectal cancer at the young age of 23.

Considerations in MSI Testing for Addressing Racial and Ethnically Diverse Patient Populations

Considerations in MSI Testing for Addressing Racial and Ethnically Diverse Patient Populations

Understanding the limitations of MSI assays across racial populations may be essential for determining therapeutic options for racially and ethnically diverse patient populations.


SARS-CoV-2 and the Antibody Response in COVID-19 Patients

SARS-CoV-2 and the Antibody Response in COVID-19 Patients

This review provides an introduction to the humoral immune response and discusses how the immune system reacts to SARS-CoV-2 infection.

What Are Seroprevalence Surveys and What Do They Tell Us About COVID-19?

What Are Seroprevalence Surveys and What Do They Tell Us About COVID-19?

Serologic tests can indicate whether an individual has previously been infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and this review discusses the role of serosurveys in monitoring COVID-19.


Understanding the Complicated Relationship Between Insulin, Glucagon and GIP

Understanding the Complicated Relationship Between Insulin, Glucagon and GIP

A diabetic researcher discovers that GIP stimulates insulin secretion through dual actions in alpha and beta cells.


Metagenomics, Microbes and the Meaning of Life

Metagenomics, Microbes and the Meaning of Life

Christopher Mason uses metagenomics to make new discoveries about the microbiome in us and around us to better understand the influence and impact of what it means to be human.

Water Treatment

Solving the Biggest Problem in Seawater Desalination

Solving the Biggest Problem in Seawater Desalination

Membrane fouling is a costly problem in desalination. A graduate student at IHE Delft worked with Promega scientists to prevent this issue, using a simple ATP assay to monitor biomass in raw seawater.

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