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Vectors: Change

Name Description Part Number
pmirGLO Dual-Luciferase miRNA Target Expression Vector Open/Close Add
Reporter activity correlates with miRNA activity
Optimized luc2 reporter gene provides highest expression while the Renilla luciferase gene provides normalization
The moderate-strength PGK promoter provides more biologically relevant analysis not possible with strong promoters

The pmirGLO Vector is designed to quantitatively evaluate microRNA (miRNA) activity by the insertion of miRNA target sites downstream or 3' of the firefly luciferase gene (luc2). Firefly luciferase is the primary reporter gene; reduced firefly luciferase expression indicates the binding of endogenous or introduced miRNAs to the cloned miRNA target sequence. This vector is based on Promega dual-luciferase technology, with luc2 used as the primary reporter to monitor mRNA regulation and Renilla luciferase (hRluc-neo) acting as a control reporter for normalization and selection.

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psiCHECK-2 Vector Open/Close Add
Monitor changes in expression of a target gene fused to a reporter gene; decreases in luciferase activity correlate with RNAi
Designed for endpoint lytic assays

psiCHECK-2 Vector provides a quantitative and rapid approach for initial optimization of RNA interference (RNAi). The vector enables monitoring of changes in expression of a target gene fused to a reporter gene. Renilla luciferase is used as the primary reporter gene; the gene of interest is cloned into a multiple cloning region located downstream of the Renilla translational stop codon. Initiation of the RNAi process by synthetic siRNAs toward a gene of interest results in cleavage and subsequent degradation of the fusion mRNA. Measuring decreases in Renilla activity provides a convenient way of monitoring the RNAi effect. In comparison with other fusion approaches, the Renilla luciferase approach offers more convenient and rapid quantitation with higher sensitivity. The psiCHECK-2 Vector contains a second reporter gene, firefly luciferase, and is designed for endpoint lytic assays.

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