QuantiFluor® Dye Systems Data Analysis Workbook

QuantiFluor® Dye Systems Data Analysis Workbook is an Excel® workbook that provides a plate format for setting up an experiment and analysis of the resulting data from the QuantiFluor® ONE, QuantiFluor® dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA Dye Systems. Using input data collected using the 96-well plate format on a fluorometer, the workbook will calculate the concentration of the original sample and report whether the concentration is reliable based on the standard curve.

For complete instructions on how to use the QuantiFluor® Dye Systems, see the QuantiFluor® ONE dsDNA System Technical Manual, TM405, QuantiFluor® dsDNA Dye System Technical Manual TM346 , QuantiFluor® RNA System Technical Manual TM377, or the QuantiFluor® ssDNA System Technical Manual TM376.

The QuantiFluor® Dye Systems Data Analysis Workbook is available for single samples or triplicate samples. Complete instructions are provided on the first sheet of each workbook.