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Nrxn1, neurexin I

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Nrxn1, neurexin I

  • This gene encodes a single-pass type I membrane protein that belongs to the neurexin family. Neurexins are synaptic transmembrane receptors that bind endogenous ligands that include neuroligins, dystroglycan, and neurexophilins. Neurexin complexes are required for efficient neurotransmission and are involved in synaptogenesis. In vertebrates, alternate promoter usage results in multiple isoform classes, of which the alpha and beta classes are the best characterized. In humans, allelic variants in this gene are associated with Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome-2, while deletions have been associated with autism and schizophrenia. Mouse knockouts display decreased spontaneous and evoked vesicle release resulting in impaired synaptic transmission. In addition, knockout mice show altered social approach, reduced social investigation, reduced locomotor activity, and in males, increased aggression. Alternative splicing and promoter usage result in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2016]

  • (No alternate names found)
  • NCBI Gene ID: 18189
  • Species: Mus musculus (Mouse)
  • View the NCBI Database for this Gene »

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