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Sara Bitar

Insitute of molecular medicine
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz


Help me to win the Young Researcher
Award 2023 from Promega.

Why should you vote for me!

The type of research that we do makes use of new technologies to understand the fastest growing neurodegenerative disorder, Parkinson´s disease. This will shed light on a critical protein that gives insight on one mean of treating patients with this disease.


The role of CISD1 in Parkinson´s Disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the fastest growing neurodegenerative diseases and severely affects quality of life and lifespan. PD is caused by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain; the pathomechanism appears to be linked to defects in iron metabolism and mitochondrial quality control. CISD1 is a dimeric 2Fe-2S cluster-containing protein on the outer mitochondrial membrane which is an important target of PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitochondrial quality control; a pathway severely compromised in PD. CISD1 is characterized by its labile Fe/S cluster which can be transferred to other proteins under certain conditions such as oxidative stimuli and iron availability. 

We found that CISD1 dimerizes more in human dopaminergic neurons from patients suffering from autosomal-recessive Parkinson’s disease caused by PINK1 mutation and in Pink1 mutant Drosophila flies. Deleting CISD1 expression in mutated flies rescued the defects in mitochondrial shape and function and normalized climbing ability and lifespan of mutant flies. These results implied that dimerized CISD1 is part of the toxic phenotype elicited by Pink1 loss of function. Using Nanobit technology, we discovered that CISD1 lacking its Fe/S cluster is more prone to dimerization and probably represents the increased dimer identified in our human and fly models of PD. In line with this, overexpression of an iron-depleted form of CISD1 was detrimental in mammalian cells and flies. We therefore hypothesize that accumulation of iron-less CISD1 is a catalyst for the progression of PD and its severity.

Check award description

Describe the activity of your laboratory in a few lines: 
Our lab focuses on understanding how neuronal cell death occurs and investigates means to prevent it. We study the impact of oxidative stress, calcium machinery, and protein interaction within the context of neurological disorders by using a combination of molecular, cell biological, and genetic approaches.


Tell us something about your scientific background :
I started out my studies in Lebanon, a country where the scientific support is not remarkable. There I got my Master´s degree from a prestigious university called AUB in a research group focused on diabetes research, AG Eid. This grew my interest in research and discovery which is why I applied for a scholarship (DAAD) to be able to come to Germany and continue my studies. I am currently completing my PhD at the Universitätsmedizin in Mainz in AG Methner where I continue this research journey filled with excitement and interest for the topic I work on.
Driven, quiet, pragmatic.

If you were a famous scientist, who would you be?
Hard to answer, I would go for Rosalind Franklin who was not recognized for her work initially but is now attributed with the discovery of the DNA. Of course her work and dedication is something I would aspire to.

Can you describe yourself in 3 adjectives?
Perseverant, work well under pressure, good at time-management

What are your other interests outside of science?
I have a real enthusiasm for playing football, I am actually a team member of a league here in Germany in a club called SV Bretzenheim. I also really enjoy poetry and have pubished a short book of peotry on Kindle Direct Publishing called ´Ikhtisar`.