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Ease Your Transition to MPS

Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) offers a solution to the biggest challenges facing CE methods, such as distinguishing true allele variation from PCR artifacts, interpreting mixtures, and obtaining usable profiles from degraded DNA. However, adopting a new technology can have unique challenges. The PowerSeq® family of products can help make the transition a smooth one.

PowerSeq® 46GY System

Optimized panel of loci for STR analysis

The PowerSeq® 46GY System offers the same sensitivity as STR amplification kits. It can be used to prepare MPS libraries and generate sequencing data compatible with Illumina® sequencing technology. The kit enables identification of sequence variants in familiar autosomal and Y-STR loci, so that data generated are usable and interpretable with current guidelines.

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powerseq 46gy str analysis mps

PowerSeq® CRM Nested System, Custom

Streamlined library prep for mtDNA analysis

The PowerSeq® CRM Nested System, Custom, generates 10 small amplicons covering the control region of the mitochondrial genome in one multiplex reaction. This technique improves the results for degraded samples. The workflow greatly simplifies library preparation by saving time, decreasing sample loss and reducing data variability.

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powerseq crm mtdna workflow mps

PowerSeq® Quant MS System

Consistent library prep for STR analysis

The PowerSeq® Quant MS System is a qPCR-based system designed for quantitation of libraries prior to sequencing on the Illumina® MiSeq® system. Accurate library quantitation provides balanced representation of pooled libraries and reduces sequencing bias.

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powerseq quant ms library prep