Quantus™ Fluorometer and NGS Starter Package

Simple, Sensitive DNA and RNA Quantitation

  • Easy, intuitive controls
  • Ready to use with QuantiFluor® Dyes
  • Recommended for next-generation sequencing
  • Bundled package available for integrated instrumentation and assay

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Catalog number selected: E6150

$ 2,278.00
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Quantus™ Fluorometer and NGS Starter Package
Fluorometer/1 each
$ 2,278.00
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Highly Sensitive, Affordable, Single-Tube Fluorometer

The Quantus™ Fluorometer is a compact, dual-channel fluorometer designed to provide highly sensitive fluorescent detection when quantifying nucleic acids. The Quantus™ Fluorometer is optimized with preprogrammed settings for Promega QuantiFluor® Dye Systems (QuantiFluor® dsDNA, RNA and ssDNA Systems) to quantitate nucleic acids and offers the flexibility to create customized methods and quantitation settings for other fluorescent dyes.



  • Easy, intuitive controls.
  • Calculates concentration automatically.
  • Store the last 50 readings and transfer data in real time.
  • Recommended for NGS and compatible with Illumina (HiSeq/miSeq), Roche (454) and LifeTech (ion Torrent and ion Proton) Systems.
Callout-1Two fluorescent channels: 
  • Red: Ex: 640nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 640nm); Em: 660–720nm
  • Blue: Ex: 495nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 495nm); Em: 510–580nm

Callout-2Easily customize sample names, view concentration results, raw values, sample volumes and a quality check.

Callout-3Compact size at only 22.7 x 11.5 x 4.5cm

Callout-4Large 3-inch liquid crystal display screen

Callout-5Intuitive navigation


Detection Sensitivity

Fluorescence-based nucleic acid quantification methods are more sensitive than absorbance-based methods, allowing you to quantitate low-level DNA samples accurately.


Custom protocols can be created for the Quantus™ Fluorometer to detect even lower amounts.

Broad Dynamic Range

Complement your absorbance-based methods and quantify your target molecule over a wider range of concentrations.


Quantitation of more dilute samples is possible using more input dsDNA per assay.

Calibration and Sample Measurement

The calibration process eliminates the need to generate a standard curve for each set of unknown samples. Simply measure the fluorescence of your blank sample and the standard that represents the highest point on your standard curve. The Quantus™ Fluorometer saves the calibration data for future measurements.

No computer is necessary to use the Quantus™ Fluorometer, but after installing the free Quantus™ Software you can automatically transfer your quantitation results from the Quantus™ Fluorometer to a personal computer in real time. Export results easily into Microsoft® Excel.

Quantus™ Fluorometer Calibration

Quantus™ Fluorometer Sample Measurement

Quantus™ Fluorometer Results and History


The high sensitivity makes the Quantus™ Fluorometer perfect when working with samples types such as formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue that contain low levels of nucleic acid.

You can confidently quantify nucleic acid from FFPE tissues and proceed to your downstream assays, knowing that there is DNA or RNA present.

Successful and accurate quantification leads to higher success in downstream assays such as PCR, cloning, transfection and next-generation sequencing.


DNA Quantitation for NGS

Highly sensitive and easy-to-use DNA quantitation for your NGS applications all in one discounted bundle. QuantiFluor® dyes are optimized for high sensitivity, broad dynamic range and target specificity on the Quantus™ Fluorometer. The Quantus™ NGS Starter package is cost-effective and easy to incorporate into your laboratory.

  • Add-and-read format makes measuring low concentrations of dsDNA simple—no dilutions, no extra tubes.
  • Significantly increased sensitivity over absorbance at 260nm (NanoDrop® spectrophotometer) for those samples that are low in concentration.
  • Expect high specificity to dsDNA with minimal binding to ssDNA, RNA, protein and interfering compounds.
  • Successfully used in several NGS systems including Illumina (HiSeq/miSeq), Roche (454) and Thermo Fisher (Ion Torrent™ and Ion Proton™) systems.

Quantus™ NGS Starter Package (Cat.# E5150)

The Quantus™ NGS Starter Package includes the Quantus™ Fluorometer (Cat.# E6150), QuantiFluor® ONE dsDNA System (Cat.# E4870) and 0.5ml PCR Tubes (Cat.# E4941).

QuantiFluor® ONE dsDNA System

Provides a fluorescent double-stranded DNA-binding dye in an "add-and-read" format for both dye and standard, simplifying DNA quantitation and speeding up your workflow. It's as easy to use as NanoDrop® absorbance-based methods but much more sensitive for low-concentration samples.

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Available Separately

Product Catalog #
0.5ml Thin-Walled PCR Tubes (50 tubes) E4941
0.5ml Thin-Walled PCR Tubes (200 tubes) E4942

Service and Support

The Quantus™ Fluorometer is backed by a one-year warranty.

Instrument Registration Contact Technical Services
Multiplate Reader & Fluorometer Support

Design Features

Size 22.7 × 11.5 × 4.5cm (L × W × H)
Weight 400 grams
Linear Dynamic Range Five orders of magnitude, assay-dependent
Detectors Solid-state silicon sensor
Excitation Filters Red: 640nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 640nm)
Blue: 495nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 495nm)
Emission Filters Red: 660–720nm
Blue: 510–580nm
Calibration Type Single-point (blank and standard)
Sample Tube We recommend Axygen thin-walled PCR tubes (Axygen Cat.# PCR-05-C, available from Fisher or VWR)
Automatic Sleep Mode After 1 hour of inactivity
Power Requirements 5V, 0.2A Maximum
Operating System Requirements
(for optional Quantus™ Software)
Windows® 10, Windows® 8, Windows® 7 (32- or 64-bit)
.NET Framework 4.0 or later
At least one USB port available

Frequently Asked Questions

Quantus™ Fluorometer Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Quantus™ Fluorometer?

The Quantus™ Fluorometer is an easy-to-use and affordable single-tube fluorometer. The compact instrument offers intuitive navigation and a large 3-inch liquid crystal display screen. The fluorometer is preprogrammed with protocols for single-stranded DNA, double-stranded DNA and RNA quantitation using the QuantiFluor® Dyes but is also compatible with other fluorescent assays.

What are the excitation and emission wavelengths?

The Quantus™ Fluorometer is equipped with two fluorescence channels for nucleic acid and protein quantitation:
Blue fluorescence channel: Excitation 495nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 495nm), emission 510–580nm.
Red fluorescence channel: Excitation 640nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 640nm), emission 660–720nm.

How sensitive is the Quantus™ Fluorometer?

When used with the QuantiFluor® Dyes, the Quantus™ Fluorometer provides sensitivities that are up to 40,000 times higher than that of absorbance-based quantitation, depending on the assay used. As little as 50pg/ml dsDNA can be detected using the standard QuantiFluor® dsDNA Dye protocol. Custom protocols can be created to detect even lower amounts (as little as 1pg/ml dsDNA). The instrument has a linear range that encompasses five orders of magnitude.

Is a computer required to use the Quantus™ Fluorometer?

No. The Quantus™ Fluorometer is designed to operate as a standalone instrument. The Quantus™ Fluorometer displays fluorescence measurements in real time but also saves and displays the 50 most recent measurements in the results history. However, the fluorometer can be connected to a computer to transfer data in real time after installing the free Quantus™ Software. To download the software, visit the Quantus™ Software download page.

What are the operating system requirements for the optional Quantus™ Software?

To download and use the Quantus™ Software, your computer must have the Windows®10, Windows® 8 or Windows® 7 (32- or 64-bit) operating system, a .NET Framework 4.0 or later and at least one USB port available.

What tubes are compatible with the Quantus™ Fluorometer?

The Quantus™ Fluorometer accepts 0.5ml PCR tubes. We recommend thin-walled PCR tubes (Axygen thin-walled PCR tubes, Axygen Cat.# PCR-05-C, available from Fisher or VWR) for the best optical clarity.

What are the power requirements for the Quantus™ Fluorometer?

The fluorometer requires a power source of 5V, 0.2A maximum. The Quantus™ Fluorometer is supplied with a USB Cord to plug the instrument in to a computer and a USB Power Supply and Outlet Adapter Kit, which includes four adapters, to plug the instrument in to the wall outlet.

How do I calibrate the Quantus™ Fluorometer, and how often should I recalibrate the instrument?

To calibrate, simply measure the fluorescence of your blank sample and the standard that represents the highest point on your standard curve. The Quantus™ Fluorometer saves the calibration data for future measurements. The fluorometer must be calibrated prior to the first use of a protocol. If a protocol that has never been calibrated is selected, the Calibration screen will appear automatically. Once the protocol of interest is calibrated, the Quantus™ Fluorometer will save the calibration values for future use and will not require recalibration. However, we recommend performing a calibration with each new lot of dye reagent to ensure the most accurate measurement.

Does purchase of the Quantus™ Fluorometer include a warranty?

Yes. The Quantus™ Fluorometer comes with a 1-year warranty upon purchase of the instrument. Warranty coverage includes all parts, labor and shipping to and from the repair location.


QuantiFluor is a registered trademark of Promega Corporation. Quantus is a trademark of Promega Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.



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Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Store QuantiFluor® ONE dsDNA Dye and QuantiFluor® ONE Lambda DNA at –30°C to +10°C. Store 1X TE Buffer at –30°C to +30°C.


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What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Quantus™ Fluorometer

E6150 1 × 1 each

QuantiFluor® ONE dsDNA System

E4870 1 × 500 reactions

0.5ml PCR Tubes

E4941 10 × 50 pack

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions

Store QuantiFluor® ONE dsDNA Dye and QuantiFluor® ONE Lambda DNA at –30°C to +10°C. Store 1X TE Buffer at –30°C to +30°C.

Patents and Disclaimers

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,598,198 and 9,206,474 and other patents and patents pending.



  • Assessment throughout a whole fishing year of the dominant microbiota of peeled brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) stored for 7 days under modified atmosphere packaging at 4°C without preservatives.
    2016 Food Microbiol.
  • See all citations

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