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PowerPlex® 18E System

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The First 8-Color PowerPlex® STR Multiplex System for European Forensic Laboratories

  • Amplifies all 16 ENFSI-recommended loci, two gender-determining loci (Amelogenin and DYS391) and two quality indicators within a single multiplex
  • All loci—including SE33—are less than 325bp
  • Optimized for use with the Spectrum CE and Spectrum Compact CE Systems
  • Compatible with rapid cycling conditions for extracted DNA and database samples

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Catalog number selected: DC3620

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PowerPlex® 18E System
PowerPlex® 18E System/200 (or 400 direct-amp) reactions
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Improve Your Success with Challenging Samples

The 8-color PowerPlex® 18E System allows amplification and detection of all 16 ENFSI-recommended loci plus Amelogenin and DYS391 for sex determination, making it ideal for European forensic laboratories. This multiplex system is optimized for use on the Spectrum and Spectrum Compact Systems.

  • Obtain full profiles with degraded or challenging samples.
  • Get results in approximately one hour.
  • Quickly troubleshoot amplifications with quality indicator peaks.

An 8-Color STR Multiplex for European Forensic Laboratories

PowerPlex® 18E System loci.

The power of 8 dye channels. By including eight dye channels (earlier systems had four, five or six), more loci can be included in a single STR multiplex kit. In addition to the ENFSI-recommended loci and loci for sex determination, the PowerPlex® 18E System includes two quality indicator peaks (QIS and QIL) for at-a-glance troubleshooting of your amplification reactions.

Mini-STRs Give Better Results

Exposure to UV radiation, heat and weather can severely degrade DNA collected from crime scenes, mass disasters and missing persons cases. When amplifying these samples, larger loci will often drop out, making it difficult to obtain complete STR profiles.

All loci in the PowerPlex® 18E System are less than 325bp in size, reducing the risk of dropout and giving you more usable and informative profiles from even severely degraded DNA.

Profile of DNA extracted from an 800-year-old bone sample amplified with the PowerPlex® 18E System, showing a profile PI of 3.32 × 10(−21).

Profile of DNA extracted from an 800-year-old bone sample amplified with the PowerPlex® 18E System. When this sample is run using GlobalFiler® multiplex system, two highly discriminatory loci (SE33 and D2S1338) drop out. In the PowerPlex® 18E System, these loci are shorter, minimizing the chances of dropout and giving a profile PI (probability of inclusion) of 3.32 × 10−21.

The Smallest SE33 Locus of Any STR Multiplex

Get superior amplification for this highly discriminatory locus. The PowerPlex® 18E System includes a redesigned SE33 locus with the smallest amplicon size of any STR kit on the market.

Schematic showing that the PowerPlex® 18E and PowerPlex® 35GY Systems have the shortest SE33 locus of any commercially available STR multiplex system.

More discriminatory power. The PowerPlex® 18E and PowerPlex® 35GY Systems have the shortest SE33 locus of any commercially available STR multiplex system.

A Sensitive System for Multiple Sample Types

The PowerPlex® 18E System reliability produces complete STR profiles from as little as 62.5pg of human DNA and usable, partial profiles from 31.25pg of human DNA. The system also handles a range of different sample types with ease, ensuring reliability when used with diverse casework samples.

Bar graph showing that the PowerPlex® 18E System calls a high percentage of alleles even with small quantities of input DNA or large sample volumes.

Superior sensitivity. Call a high percentage of alleles even with small quantities of input DNA or large sample volumes.

Complete 8-Color Solutions for Your STR Workflow

We offer and support a complete 8-color forensic analysis workflow, including our 8-color compatible CE instruments, the Spectrum CE and Spectrum Compact CE Systems.

PowerPlex® 18E System Results—Spectrum CE Instrument
PowerPlex® 18E profile of 0.5ng 2800M Control DNA amplified for 30 cycles in 25μl reactions; electrophoresis performed on the Spectrum CE System.

PowerPlex® 18E System Results—Spectrum Compact CE Instrument
PowerPlex® 18E profile of 0.5ng 2800M Control DNA amplified for 30 cycles in 25μl reactions; electrophoresis performed on the Spectrum Compact CE System.

Designed for Spectrum CE and Spectrum Compact CE Systems. PowerPlex® 18E profile of 0.5ng 2800M Control DNA amplified for 30 cycles in 25μl reactions. Electrophoresis performed on the Spectrum CE (left) and Spectrum Compact (right) CE Systems. Data analyzed using GeneMarker® HID Software for Spectrum CE Systems.


Promega forensic products are manufactured in alignment with the ISO 18385 standard. This standard ensures minimal risk of human DNA contamination for products used to collect, store and analyze biological materials for forensic purposes. Learn more.


You are viewing: DC3620 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Concentration Available Separately

2800M Control DNA

DD710A 1 × 25μl 10ng/μl View Product

CCO Internal Lane Standard 500

DG857A 1 × 250μl

PowerPlex® 18E Allelic Ladder Mix

DG860B 1 × 100μl

PowerPlex® 18E 10X Primer Pair Mix

DK484B 1 × 500μl

PowerPlex® 18E 5X Master Mix

DP810A 1 × 1ml

Water, Amplification Grade

DW099A 5 × 1,250μl View Product

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: DG5010 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

8C Matrix Mix

DG854A 1 × 150μl

Matrix Dilution Buffer

DM145A 5 × 200μl

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: DM1601 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

PowerPlex® 18E QI Reagent

DM160A 1 × 800μl

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: DG8571 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

CCO Internal Lane Standard 500

DG857A 1 × 250μl

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

Storage Conditions


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