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Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ and Vivazine® Live Cell Substrates

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Live Cell Detection of NanoLuc® or NanoBiT® Reporter Activity for Hours or Days

  • Increased signal stability for extended real-time kinetic analysis of reporter activity
  • Simplify time course studies by measuring response in the same sample over time
  • Sensitivity to measure protein at endogenous levels—no overexpression required

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Catalog number selected: N2570

$ 229.00
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Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ and Vivazine® Live Cell Substrates
Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ Substrate/0.1ml
$ 229.00
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Overview of Nano-Glo® Live Cell Detection

Live-cell, nonlytic assays using the Nano-Glo® Live Cell Assay System are limited to ≤2 hours because of signal decay. The Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ and Vivazine® Live Cell Substrates provide alternative live-cell-detection methods for NanoLuc® and NanoBiT® luciferases that enable nonlytic assays for periods lasting several hours to days. For both substrates, a slow rate of ester hydrolysis leads to the steady release of furimazine throughout the experiment, a process catalyzed by cellular esterases. Once formed, furimazine serves as a substrate for NanoLuc® and NanoBiT® luciferases.

The Vivazine® substrate typically shows increased brightness but also an increased rate of signal decay compared to the Endurazine™ substrate. The Endurazine™ substrate will provide the maximum signal stability but lower initial signal intensity compared to the other Nano-Glo® Live Cell Substrates. Evaluate both substrates to determine which combination of signal intensity and stability is most suitable for your experiment [e.g., Nano-Glo® Extended Live Cell Substrate Trial Pack (Cat.# N2590)].

Choose the Best Combination of Signal Intensity and Stability

Comparison of Nano-Glo Live Cell Assay with Endurazine and Vivazine substrates.
Comparing Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ and Vivazine® Substrates with Nano-Glo® Live Cell Assay System. A plasmid encoding NanoLuc® luciferase expressed from the PGK promoter was transiently transfected into HEK293 cells and luminescence signal intensity was measured as indicated.

Assay Reporter Activity for Days

Comparing Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ and Vivazine® signals over 72 hours. A plasmid encoding NanoLuc® luciferase expressed from the HSV-TK promoter was transiently transfected into HEK293 cells and luminescent signal intensity measured for 72 hours.

Measure Real-Time Abundance of Endogenously Regulated HiBiT-Tagged Proteins

Endurazine™ and Vivazine® substrates can be used to monitor real-time expression levels of HiBiT-tagged proteins in cells expressing LgBiT, where HiBiT binds to LgBiT to form NanoBiT® Luciferase. The HiBiT tag can be introduced via CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and protein levels assayed under endogenous expression conditions, providing real-time tracking of cellular protein abundance in the same sample with a simple bioluminescent readout. Endurazine™ and Vivazine® substrates are formulated to reduce autoluminescent background for maximal detection sensitivity at low expression levels.

Kinetically Monitor Endogenous BRD4 Levels

Real time expression of HiBiT-BRD4 fusion was monitored using Endurazine and Vivazine live cell substrates.
HEK293 cells stably expressing LgBiT were modified via CRISPR-Cas9 to create cells expressing a HiBiT-BRD4 fusion at the endogenous BRD4 locus. Expression levels of a HiBiT-BRD4 fusion were monitored in real time using Endurazine™ and Vivazine® substrates following treatment with ARV-771, a BRD4-targeted protein degrader (PROTAC).

Quantify the Temporal Response of NanoLuc® Transcriptional Reporter Activity

The Endurazine™ and Vivazine® substrates can be used with the destabilized NanoLuc® reporter (NanoLuc-PEST, NlucP) in a live-cell assay to study dynamic changes in a transcriptional response from the same sample over time.

HEK293 cells were transiently transfected with a construct expressing NlucP from a promoter with cAMP response elements (CRE). Endurazine™ and Vivazine® substrates were added to cells at time zero, and luminescence was measured continuously using a GloMax® Discover instrument at 37°C. After approximately 2 hours, varying concentrations of forskolin were added to induce expression of NlucP by increasing the intracellular cAMP concentration. Panel A. Ten hour time course using Endurazine™ substrate. Panel B. Ten hour time course using Vivazine® substrate. Panel C. Per-well normalization for the data in Panel A. Panel D. Per-well normalization for the data in Panel B. Both substrates detect a dose-dependent increase of CRE reporter activity in response to increasing cAMP levels. The Vivazine® substrate provides higher overall signal.

Get Faster Live-cell Kinetic Results with the LgBiT mRNA Delivery System


HiBiT signal peaks earlier after transfection with the ViaScript™ LgBiT mRNA Delivery System than with DNA plasmid transfection. This allows you to start your experiments sooner and get data faster.

Transfection with LgBiT mRNA results in a stable signal over 48 hours. Expand your kinetic workflow by pairing a CRISPR HiBiT cell line and the ViaScript™ LgBiT mRNA Delivery System to get more representative data.

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You are viewing: N2570 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ Substrate, 100X

N257A 1 × 0.1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

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Patents and Disclaimers

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of Nano-Glo®-branded reagents intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researchers must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this product; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,836,767 and other patents pending.


You are viewing: N2571 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ Substrate, 100X

N257B 1 × 1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of Nano-Glo®-branded reagents intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researchers must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this product; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,836,767 and other patents pending.


You are viewing: N2572 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ Substrate, 100X

N257B 10 × 1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of Nano-Glo®-branded reagents intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researchers must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this product; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,836,767 and other patents pending.


You are viewing: N2580 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Nano-Glo® Vivazine® Substrate, 100X

N258A 1 × 0.1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of Nano-Glo®-branded reagents intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researchers must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this product; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,836,767 and other patents pending.


You are viewing: N2581 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Nano-Glo® Vivazine® Substrate, 100X

N258B 1 × 1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of Nano-Glo®-branded reagents intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researchers must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this product; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,836,767 and other patents pending.


You are viewing: N2582 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Nano-Glo® Vivazine® Substrate, 100X

N258B 10 × 1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of Nano-Glo®-branded reagents intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researchers must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this product; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,836,767 and other patents pending.


You are viewing: N2590 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Nano-Glo® Endurazine™ Substrate, 100X

N257A 1 × 0.1ml

Nano-Glo® Vivazine® Substrate, 100X

N258A 1 × 0.1ml

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

BY USE OF THIS PRODUCT, RESEARCHER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE. If researcher is not willing to accept the terms of this label license, and the product is unused, Promega will accept return of the unused product and provide researcher with a full refund.

Researcher may use this product for research use only; no commercial use is allowed. Commercial use means any and all uses of this product by a party in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to (1) use in further product manufacture; (2) use in provision of services, information or data; and (3) resale of the product, whether or not such product is resold for use in research. Researcher shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the product. No other use or transfer of this product is authorized without the prior express written consent of Promega.

For uses of Nano-Glo®-branded reagents intended for energy transfer (such as bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) to acceptors other than a genetically encoded autofluorescent protein, researchers must:
(i) use NanoBRET®-branded energy acceptors (e.g., BRET-optimized HaloTag® ligands) for all determinations of energy transfer activity by this product; or
(ii) contact Promega to obtain a license for use of the product for energy transfer assays to energy acceptors not manufactured by Promega.

With respect to any uses outside this label license, including any diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic or commercial uses, please contact Promega for supply and licensing information. PROMEGA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. The terms of this label license shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA.

U.S. Pat. No. 10,836,767 and other patents pending.

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