
Rapid and Automated DNA Extraction from FFPE Tissues

  • Rapidly extract DNA from 1 to 48 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections
  • Enhance sample processing throughput with <1 hour sample preprocessing and automated extraction on the Maxwell® RSC Instrument
  • Purified DNA has reduced risk of DNA damage and improved quality in downstream NGS assays without need for additional repair enzyme treatments

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$ 489.00

Catalog Number: AS1510

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Fast and Efficient DNA Purification from FFPE Tissue Samples

The Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit used with the Maxwell® RSC Instruments offers an expedited process for purifying DNA from FFPE tissue samples. This kit's unique preprocessing reagents reduce hands-on time to <1 hour. Combined with the reliable automated extraction of the Maxwell® RSC Instruments, you can complete your entire FFPE workflow within a single workday while ensuring that every run delivers high-quality DNA that is ready for various downstream applications, including next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays.

The Maxwell® RSC Instrument can process from 1 to 16 samples, and the Maxwell® RSC 48 Instrument can process from 1 to 48 samples, in a single run. The Maxwell® RSC Instruments are supplied with preprogrammed purification procedures and are designed for use with the predispensed reagent cartridges provided in the Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit, maximizing simplicity and convenience.


Time Savings Compared to a Competitor Kit

Horizontal bar graph illustrating time saved using the Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit compared to common DNA FFPE extraction methods.


Hands-on and hands-off (automated) protocol times estimated from runs with n=6 samples each run; time savings may be greater for larger number of samples as method run time on Maxwell® RSC Instrument is consistent regardless of sample number.

Consistently High-Quality DNA

Bar graph showing average DNA concentration of normal and tumor tissues (75bp, 150bp and 300bp each) purified from colon tissue sections using the Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit.
Bar graph showing average DNA concentration of normal and tumor tissues (75bp, 150bp and 300bp each) purified from gastric tissue sections using the Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit.
Bar graph showing average DNA concentration of normal and tumor tissues (75bp, 150bp and 300bp each) purified from endometrial tissue sections using the Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit.

The Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit used with the Maxwell® RSC or the Maxwell® RSC 48 Instrument extracts consistently high-quality DNA from multiple sample types. DNA was extracted from up to three 10µm FFPE sections of matched normal and tumor tissues. The ProNex® DNA QC Assay (Cat.# NG1002) was used to determine DNA concentration. Average DNA concentration for each human genomic target (75bp, 150bp and 300bp) is shown for DNA purified from colon (Panel A), gastric (Panel B) and endometrial (Panel C) tissue sections. N = 3 for all samples, error bars represent standard deviation.

Reduced DNA Damage for Cleaner Results

Common FFPE preprocessing methods involve lengthy decrosslinking at high temperatures, which can cause DNA damage and artificial mutations that introduce noise into downstream NGS results. A key advantage of the Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit is its significantly shorter decrosslinking step, which minimizes the risk of thermal damage and results in up to 50% fewer C-to-T transition artifacts. By reducing these unwanted artifacts, the Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit delivers cleaner, more accurate DNA and can eliminate the need for additional treatments with repair enzymes such as UNG or UDG. The Maxwell® RSC Xcelerate DNA FFPE Kit ensures the DNA that you purify is of the highest quality, enabling you to achieve your research goals efficiently and effectively.


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What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Maxwell® FFPE Cartridges

AS135A 48 × 1 each

RSC Plungers

AS1670 1 × 48/pack

Elution Tubes (0.5ml)

AS620A 1 × 50/pk View Product

Proteinase K (PK) Solution

MC111A 2 × 1ml

Lysis Buffer

MC118A 1 × 20ml

Nuclease-Free Water

MC119A 1 × 25ml

RNase A Solution

MC120A 1 × 1ml

Mineral Oil

MC121A 1 × 25ml

Blue Dye

MC122A 1 × 100μl

Xcelerate Buffer (XB1)

MC154A 2 × 0.7ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

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