EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture and Nucleic Acid Extraction Solutions

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Scalable, Automated Purification of Exosomes and Nucleic Acid from Exosomes

  • Capture Specificity: Targets a spectrum of exosomes from biological fluids and cell culture media
  • Purity and Yield: Engineered for optimal recovery of intact exosomes, minimizing contamination with proteins or other particulates
  • Compatibility: Compatible with a range of downstream analytical techniques, including PCR, Western blotting and NGS
  • Speed and Consistency: Automation reduces hands-on time and variability
  • Available through our Early Access program

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Catalog number selected: CS3419A01

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EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture and Nucleic Acid Extraction Solutions
EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture/0.25ml (15 preps)
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What Are Exosomes?

Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles, ranging in size from 30–150 nanometers. Released by a variety of cell types, exosomes play a crucial role in intercellular communication. These vesicles carry an array of molecules, including proteins, lipids and nucleic acids that reflect an exosome's cell of origin and can influence the behavior of recipient cells. Exosome research is dynamic and includes understanding their basic biology, developing detection and quantification techniques, and exploring their use in regenerative medicine and cancer therapy. Purifying exosomes previously required time-consuming manual methods.

Exosome Isolation from Manual to Automated, High Throughput Processing

The EXO-NET® Pan Exosome Capture Tool automates exosome isolation from a variety of biological samples. Using a unique capture mechanism, this tool helps researchers efficiently isolate exosomes with a high degree of purity and integrity. These are critical parameters for subsequent analyses in biomarker research, cellular communication studies and disease pathogenesis investigations.

Exosome Isolation Using the EXO-NET® Pan Exosome Capture Tool

EXO-NET® and Maxwell® HT miRNA Extraction Kit Fully Automated Workflow.

Choose A Format for Your Sample Throughput

Manual Workflow: <16 Samples 

EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture + ReliaPrep™ FFPE Total RNA Miniprep System

For low sample numbers, manually isolate exosomes from plasma using the EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture system, and purify total RNA including miRNA using the ReliaPrep™ FFPE Total RNA Miniprep System.


Detection of RNA Purified from Exosomes Isolated from Plasma

Download protocol and data: Manual Total RNA Purification from Exosomes

Maxwell® Workflow: 16–48 Samples

EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture + Maxwell® miRNA Plasma and Serum Kit

For medium sample numbers, isolate exosomes from plasma using the EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture system, and purify total RNA including miRNA using the Maxwell® RSC miRNA Plasma and Serum Kit on the Maxwell® RSC Instrument.


Detection of RNA Purified from Exosomes Isolated from Plasma

High-Throughput Workflow: >96 Samples  

Maxwell® HT EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome miRNA Kit

For high throughput samples, isolate exosomes from plasma using the all-in-one Maxwell® HT EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome miRNA Kit on the KingFisher™ Apex or Flex Instruments.

Detection of RNA Purified from Exosomes Isolated from Plasma Processed on KingFisher™ Instruments

Webinar: Advances in Extracellular Vesicle miRNA Research Using High-Throughput Affinity Capture

In this webinar, Greg Rice, Chief Scientific Officer at INOVIQ Ltd., describes the advantages of using vesicle-surface epitope affinity capture for enriching EVs, how to combine EV enrichment and RNA isolation into a seamless rapid process and how to fully automate EV enrichment and downstream analysis to achieve high-through-put sample analysis.

View On-Demand Webinar

The materials on this page are For Research Use Only.

EXO-NET is a registered trademark of INOVIQ.


You are viewing: CS3419A01 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture

CS3419A02 1 × 0.25ml

Certificate of Analysis

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You are viewing: CS3419A03 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture

CS3419A04 1 × 1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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You are viewing: CS3419A07 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Concentration Available Separately

EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture

CS3419A02 2 × 0.25ml

EXO-NET® Pan-Exosome Capture

CS3419A04 1 × 1ml

Maxwell® HT C Resin

A7751 1 × 5.5ml View Product

DNase I, Lyophilized, Custom

AX506A 1 × 1 vial

Binding Buffer (BBC)

CS3419A08 1 × 29ml

Wash Solution

CS3419A10 1 × 123ml

miRNA DNase Wash

CS3419A11 1 × 25ml

Wash miRNA

CS3419A12 1 × 25ml

Proteinase K (PK) Solution

MC5008 1 × 16ml 20mg/ml View Product

Nuclease-Free Water

P1195 1 × 150ml View Product

Certificate of Analysis

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