The Maxwell® 16 LEV RNA FFPE Purification Kit is designed to extract RNA rapidly from FFPE samples using the Maxwell® 16 Instrument (Cat.# AS2000 and AS3000). The FFPE kit is specifically designed for optimal purification of RNA from 5μm thin sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples.
The Maxwell® 16 LEV RNA FFPE Purification Kit is optimized to yield a final RNA concentration that maximizes RNA yield, eliminating the need to concentrate the extract prior to amplification. Lysates are placed directly into the cartridges, and amplification-ready RNA is obtained in approximately 60 minutes (after proteinase K digest). This kit does not use hazardous xylene, thereby providing a much safer method than many competitive kits. Additionally, quality testing demonstrates virtually no PCR inhibitors in purified samples.
- Provides high yield of pure amplifiable RNA from FFPE mammalian tissue samples, minimizing sample waste and reruns.
- Simple method with no organic solvents used for deparaffinization.
- Protocol can be completed within a single 8-hour shift.
The purified RNA is suitable for downstream applications including RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, endpoint RT-PCR, cDNA library synthesis and gene expression analysis.