ReliaPrep™ miRNA Cell and Tissue Miniprep System

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Fast, Phenol-Free miRNA Isolation from Cells and Tissues

  • Isolate concentrated, quality RNA in only 40 minutes
  • Eliminate harsh organic reagents
  • Work with small samples and low elution volumes


Catalog number selected: Z6210

$ 145.00
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ReliaPrep™ miRNA Cell and Tissue Miniprep System
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$ 145.00
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Purify concentrated RNA quickly and safely

The ReliaPrep™ miRNA Cell and Tissue Miniprep System isolates total RNA including microRNA (miRNA) and other small non-coding RNA (sncRNA) subspecies from a variety of cell and tissue types. The system reliably and consistently purifies RNA from as few as 100 to as many as 1 × 106 cultured cells, and from 0.25 to 20mg of tissue. Purified RNA is extracted in a low elution volume (as low as 15μl) ready for use in your downstream assays.

Organic-based purification has been accepted as the most sensitive method to purify RNA. The ReliaPrep™ miRNA purification system achieves virtually the same yield and purity of amplifiable miRNA without phenol:chloroform extraction, eliminating the need to handle and dispose of harsh organic products.


Purified, concentrated RNA includes miRNA and subspecies

RNA Species from Cells


Expression of miRNA (miR16), snoRNA (U6), and sncRNA (RNU44 and RNU48) isolated from HEK293 cells.

RNA Species from Tissue


Expression of miRNA and snoRNA products detected from total RNA isolated from 10mg of frozen mouse liver and kidney tissue.

RNA can be purified from small sample sizes

The ReliaPrep column/binding matrix efficiently captures RNA from very small amounts of input material.

RNA from 10–105cells


Here, the miRNA targets U6 and miR16 were amplified after RNA isolation from varying cell culture inputs. RNA was purified from as few as 10 cells to as many as 1x105 HEK293 cells. miR16 and U6 expression levels were determined using qPCR.

RNA from 0.0032–10mg Tissue


In this example, the miRNA targets let7e and miR16 were reliably amplified from ReliaPrep-purified RNA isolated from 0.0032–10mg frozen mouse kidney tissue. miR16 and let7e expression levels were determined by qPCR.

Isolate pure RNA without phenol:chloroform extraction

The ReliaPrep™ miRNA System does not use phenol chloroform yet results in acceptably pure RNA isolated from a range of tissue types. The data below show purity rations for RNA purified from various mouse tissues using the ReliaPrep™ miRNA Cell and Tissue Miniprep System and other commercial miRNA purification kits.

RNA purity A260/A280


All kits purified RNA with A260/A280 purity ratios in the accepted 1.8–2.2 range.

RNA purity A260/A230 ratios


Kits using phenol chloroform reagents generated RNA with A260/A230 ratios below the accepted 1.8–2.2 range.

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MicroRNA Analysis Paired with a Novel Live Cell Viability Assay: A Complete Epigenetic Workflow in Human Cancer Cell Lines

In this poster, the authors used total RNA, mRNA and miRNA isolated with the Reliaprep™ miRNA system to examine the role of small or non-coding RNAs in cancer cell growth and metastasis. 

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You are viewing: Z6210 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Collection Tubes

A130C 2 × 10/pk
ReliaPrep™ Minicolumns A207A 2 × 10/pack
1-Thioglycerol A208A 1 × 75μl

DNase Buffer, 10X

M198B 1 × 500μl

Nuclease-Free Water

P119A 1 × 1,250μl View Product

Lysis Buffer (LBA)

Z106A 1 × 6ml

Elution Tubes

Z200B 1 × 25/pk

RNA Wash Solution (RWA)

Z309B 1 × 11.8ml View Product

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358B 1 × 1 vial View Product

RNA Dilution Buffer (RDB)

Z372C 1 × 9ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: Z6211 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Collection Tubes

A130A 2 × 50/pk

ReliaPrep™ Minicolumns

A207B 2 × 50/pack


A208B 1 × 900μl

DNase Buffer, 10X

M198B 1 × 500μl

Nuclease-Free Water

P119E 1 × 13ml View Product

Lysis Buffer (LBA)

Z106B 1 × 30ml

Elution Tubes

Z200C 2 × 50/pk

RNA Wash Solution (RWA)

Z3091 1 × 58.8ml View Product

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358A 1 × 1 vial View Product

RNA Dilution Buffer (RDB)

Z372A 1 × 44ml

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: Z6212 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Collection Tubes

A130B 2 × 250/pk

ReliaPrep™ Minicolumns

A207B 10 × 50/pack


A208B 4 × 900μl

DNase Buffer, 10X

M198B 3 × 500μl

Nuclease-Free Water

P119C 1 × 25ml View Product

Lysis Buffer (LBA)

Z106C 1 × 150ml

Elution Tubes

Z200C 10 × 50/pk

RNA Wash Solution (RWA)

Z309D 1 × 206ml View Product

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358A 5 × 1 vial View Product

RNA Dilution Buffer (RDB)

Z372B 1 × 220ml

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


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