Viral RNA, Viral DNA Extraction

Viral nucleic acid extraction is a critical step in infectious disease research. Nucleic-acid based detection of viral pathogens requires the extraction of both DNA and RNA (total nucleic acids). We offer Maxwell® Viral Total Nucleic Acid purification kits for automated nucleic acid extraction from up to 48 samples per run on Maxwell® Instruments, and the Maxwell® HT Viral Total Nucleic Acid Purification Kit for extraction of total nucleic acid on robotic liquid handlers.

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Total Nucleic Extraction Basics

Total nucleic acid extraction products purify both RNA and DNA from samples. During DNA and RNA extraction, samples all progress though a common set of steps involving cell lysis, clearing, inactivation of nucleases, nucleic acid binding, washing and elution. Methods for isolating total nucleic acids are similar to methods for extraction of DNA or RNA but eliminate DNase and RNase treatment steps. 

Isolating viral nucleic acid from blood or serum is the first step in detection and analysis for microbiology or virology research. Methods for extracting viral DNA or RNA need to purify across a range of virus titers and provide high sensitivity for downstream applications. Quality of the extracted nucleic acids is important, as impurities or inhibitors in the purified sample can affect the success of downstream applications such as qPCR and qRT-PCR.