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GoScript™ MDx Reverse Transcriptase

d1201-goscript-mdx-reverse-transcriptase new-kit-box

High-Quality Reverse Transcriptase for Reliable Performance

  • Sensitive transcription of both high- and low-copy messages
  • Transcribes long and short transcripts; processes through secondary structure
  • cGMP-manufactured
  • Available in custom formats and formulations

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$ 525.00

Catalog Number: D1201

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$ 184.00

Catalog Number: D1301

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cGMP-Manufactured M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase Qualified for RT-qPCR

GoScript™ MDx Reverse Transcriptase is a Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (M-MLV) reverse transcriptase that delivers robust, reliable complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesis. GoScript™ MDx Reverse Transcriptase is qualified for reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and manufactured under Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP).

  • Manufactured under cGMP to ensure consistent product performance lot-to-lot.
  • QC-tested for bacterial, fungal and mammalian DNA to ensure low DNA contamination.
  • Customized, fit-for-purpose product formats and formulations available.

GoScript™ MDx Reverse Transcriptase is a general purpose reagent intended for general laboratory use. It is suitable for use as a component of molecular diagnostic assays, where applicable country laws allow. Separate license or royalty payments are not required. This product alone does not provide any diagnostic result.

PCR Satisfaction Guarantee

Promega's PCR Systems, enzymes and reagents are proven in PCR to ensure reliable, high performance results. Your success is important to us. Our products are backed by a worldwide team of Technical Support scientists. Please contact them for applications or technical assistance. If you are not completely satisfied with any Promega PCR product we will send a replacement or refund your account.

That's Our PCR Guarantee!

Product must be within expiration date and have been stored and used in accordance with product literature. See Promega Product Insert for specific tests performed.

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High Quality

GoScript™ MDx Reverse Transcriptase products meet stringent specifications for:
Purity ≥90%
DNA Contamination One unit contains less than:
  • 10 copies of bacterial genomic DNA
  • 1 genome equivalent of fungal genomic DNA
  • 1 genome equivalent of mammalian genomic DNA
Nuclease Contamination Undetectable DNase or RNase activity
Performance Functionally tested in quantitative RT-PCR
Stability Stable for 24 months from date of manufacture


Catalog Number:

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Concentration Available Separately

GoScript™ 5X Reaction Buffer

A500C 2 × 600μl View Product

25mM MgCl2 Solution

D112A 2 × 1.2ml

GoScript™ MDx Reverse Transcriptase

D120A 1 × 300 reactions 1250u/μl

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Laboratory Use. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated.

Storage Conditions


What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Concentration Available Separately

GoScript™ 5X Reaction Buffer

A500C 1 × 600μl View Product

25mM MgCl2 Solution

D112A 1 × 1.2ml

GoScript™ MDx Reverse Transcriptase

D130A 1 × 100 reactions 160u/μl

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Laboratory Use. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated.

Storage Conditions