ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System

Sanger Sequencing Chemistry for Capillary Electrophoresis Platforms

  • Easily implemented with the same protocol, workflows and calibration
  • Designed for a wide range of sequencing applications
  • Provides enhanced productivity while reducing costs


Catalog number selected: CR4324

$ 297.00
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ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System
24 reactions
$ 297.00
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Sanger Sequencing in Perfect Harmony with Your Workflow

The ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System provides an improved method of fluorescent Sanger sequencing using a proprietary thermostable DNA polymerase included in the master mix. Compatible with a variety of DNA templates, the ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System can be used with the Spectrum Compact CE System as well as the Applied Biosystems® 3130, 3130xl, 3500, 3500xL, 3730, 3730xl and SeqStudio® Genetic Analyzers. The ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System uses dTMR, dCXR, dRSixG and dROneTen terminator dyes, the same dyes contained in the BigDye® Terminator V3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit.

ProDye™ Terminator Sequencing System provides an improved method of fluorescent Sanger sequencing

Your Sample, Our Sequencing Kit, Any Instrument

Integrate the ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System seamlessly into a familiar workflow.

Dye-terminator sequencing workflow illustration.

Familiar Reaction Setup

Includes all the components for the sequencing reaction in a ready-to-use, premixed format—just add your template and the template-specific primer.

  • Proprietary enzyme blend in 2.5X Master Mix
  • Additional 5X Sequencing Buffer and Nuclease-Free Water is included
  • Supports 10μl reactions and 20μl 0.5X reactions
ProDye includes the dye-terminator sequencing reaction components in a premixed format

Compatible with a Variety of Thermal Cyclers

Simple cycling protocol designed for obtaining maximum read lengths.

Simple cycling protocol designed for obtaining maximum read lengths

Compatible with a Variety of Samples and Running Conditions

Sequence plasmid DNA and other samples using 'Standard' or 'Fast' sequencing protocols.

Example data using the ProDye™ Terminator Sequencing System to sequence plasmid DNA using the standard protocol.

Chromatograms from NIST plasmid ERCC-00083 cycle sequenced with ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System and detected on the Spectrum Compact CE System using the ‘Standard’ sequencing protocol. Plasmid ERCC00083 from NIST was cycle sequenced with ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System. Sequencing reactions were purified with ethanol/EDTA-based precipitation and denatured in Hi-Di™ Formamide before detection on the Spectrum Compact CE System using the T_Seq_36_Std protocol (Panel A) and T_Seq_36_Fast protocol (Panel B).

Example data using the ProDye Terminator Sequencing System to sequence plasmid DNA using the standard protocol.

Chromatograms from control pGEM®-3Zf(+) plasmid cycle sequenced with ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System and detected on the Spectrum Compact CE System using the ‘Standard’ sequencing protocol. pGEM®-3Zf(+) plasmid DNA was cycle sequenced with ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System. Sequencing reactions were purified with ethanol/EDTA-based precipitation and denatured in Hi-Di™ Formamide before detection on the Spectrum Compact CE System using the T_Seq_36_Std protocol (Panel A) and T_Seq_36_Fast protocol (Panel B).

Sequencing Analysis Read Lengths

Combine ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System with the Spectrum Compact CE System for more bases in less time.

Example data showing sequencing reads of 600 bases and 800 bases.

Chromatograms from control pGEM®-3Zf(+) plasmid cycle sequenced with ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System and detected on the Spectrum Compact CE System using T_Seq_36_Std protocol (Panel A) and T_Seq_36_Fast protocol (Panel B).

Product Application: Sanger Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2

Sequence a region of the SARS-CoV-2 genome using the ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System with analysis by capillary electrophoresis on the Spectrum Compact CE System.

Application Note icon. Sequencing SARS-COV2

ProView® Sequencing Software

ProView® Sequencing Software is a customizable Sanger sequencing viewer capable of displaying .ab1 files generated on many currently available capillary electrophoresis (CE) sequencers. This software can be used to view and edit sequence information, display electropherograms, generate reports, display embedded information and save edited files in multiple formats.

Get ProView® Sequencing Software for Free
Example Proview sequencing software data

Comprehensive Technical Support

Technical support scientists are available to answer your questions

We understand that your work can’t stop and we are dedicated to minimizing interruptions to your lab workflow. Whether you are working with a new sample type, implementing Sanger sequencing on a new instrument, or anything in between, you can be confident that your sequencing will hit all the right notes with our comprehensive technical support. Promega scientists are ready to help, and we will be there when you need us.


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What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

ProDye® 2.5X Master Mix

CR100A 1 × 200μl

ProDye® 5X Sequencing Buffer

CR101A 1 × 1ml

pGEM®-3Zf(+) Vector

P227A 1 × 20μg

pUC/M13 Primer, Forward (24mer)

Q560A 1 × 2μg

Nuclease-Free Water

P119A-C 1 × 1.25ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

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