GloMax® Systems Preloaded Protocols
GloMax® instruments come preloaded with protocols designed to work seamlessly with a wide variety of Promega luminescence- and fluorescence-based assays at the touch of a button.
Preloaded Protocols for GloMax® Navigator
Over 40 protocols and counting...

ADCC Reporter Bioassay | ADP-Glo | Autophagy HiBiT Reporter Assay | BacTiter-Glo |
Bio-Glo | Bio-Glo 3 Plate | Bright-Glo | cAMP-Glo |
Caspase-Glo | CellTiter-Glo | Cholesterol/Cholesterol Ester-Glo | CytoTox-Glo |
Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System | Dual-Glo | GloSensor cAMP | Glucose Uptake-Glo |
Glycerol-Glo | GTPase-Glo | Kinase-Glo | Lactate-Glo |
LDH-Glo | Luciferase Assay System | Luminescence Light Plate | Lumit Immunoassay |
MTase-Glo | NAD(P)H-Glo | NAD/NADH-Glo | NanoDLR |
Nano-Glo | Nano-Glo Live Cell | ONE-Glo | P450-Glo |
RealTime-Glo Extracellular ATP | RealTime-Glo MT Cell Viability | Renilla Luciferase Assay System | ROS-Glo |
Steady-Glo | Succinate-Glo | Triglyceride-Glo | Water-Glo |
Preloaded Protocols for GloMax® Explorer
Over 65 protocols and counting...

ADCC Reporter Bioassay | ADP-Glo | ApoLive-Glo | Apo-ONE |
ApoTox-Glo | Autophagy HiBiT Reporter Assay | BacTiter-Glo | BCA Protein Assay (Abs 560) |
Bio-Glo | Bio-Glo 3 Plate | Bradford Assay (Abs 600nm) | Bright-Glo |
cAMP-Glo | Caspase-Glo | CellTiter 96 AQ One Solution | CellTiter-Blue |
CellTiter-Fluor | CellTiter-Glo | CellTox Green | Cholesterol/Cholesterol Ester-Glo |
CytoTox-Fluor | CytoTox-Glo | CytoTox-ONE | Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System |
Dual-Glo | ELISA (Abs 450nm) | GFP protein quantitation | GloSensor cAMP |
Glucose Uptake-Glo | Glycerol-Glo | GTPase-Glo | Kinase-Glo |
Lactate-Glo | LDH-Glo | Luciferase Assay System | Luminescence Light Plate |
Lumit Immunoassay | Lumit Immunoassay with Normalization | Mitochondrial ToxGlo | MTase-Glo |
MultiTox-Fluor | MultiTox-Glo | NAD(P)H-Glo | NAD/NADH-Glo |
NanoDLR | Nano-Glo | Nano-Glo Endurazine | Nano-Glo Endurazine with Pre-Read |
Nano-Glo Live Cell | Nano-Glo Vivazine | Nano-Glo Vivazine with Pre-Read | ONE-Glo |
ONE-Glo + Tox | P450-Glo | QuantiFluor dsDNA | QuantiFluor RNA |
QuantiFluor ssDNA | RealTime-Glo | RealTime-Glo Annexin V | RealTime-Glo Extracellular ATP |
Renilla Luciferase Assay System | ROS-Glo | Steady-Glo | Succinate-Glo |
Triglyceride-Glo | Water-Glo |
Preloaded Protocols for GloMax® Discover
Over 70 protocols and counting...

ADCC Reporter Bioassay | ADP-Glo | ApoLive-Glo | Apo-ONE |
ApoTox-Glo | Autophagy HiBiT Reporter Assay | BacTiter-Glo | BCA Protein Assay (Abs 560) |
Bio-Glo | Bio-Glo 3 Plate | Bradford Assay (Abs 600nm) | BRET: NanoBRET 618 |
BRET: Renilla / YFP | Bright-Glo | cAMP-Glo | Caspase-Glo |
CellTiter 96 AQ One Solution | CellTiter-Blue | CellTiter-Fluor | CellTiter-Glo |
CellTox Green | Cholesterol/Cholesterol Ester-Glo | Chroma-Glo | CytoTox-Fluor |
CytoTox-Glo | CytoTox-ONE | Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System | Dual-Glo |
ELISA (Abs 450nm) | FRET: Coumerin/Fluorescein Z-LYTE | GFP protein quantitation | GloSensor cAMP |
Glucose Uptake-Glo | Glycerol-Glo | GTPase-Glo | Kinase-Glo |
Lactate-Glo | LDH-Glo | Luciferase Assay System | Luminescence Light Plate |
Lumit Immunoassay | Lumit Immunoassay with Normalization | Mitochondrial ToxGlo | MTase-Glo |
MultiTox-Fluor | MultiTox-Glo | NAD(P)H-Glo | NAD/NADH-Glo |
NanoDLR | Nano-Glo | Nano-Glo Endurazine | Nano-Glo Endurazine with Pre-Read |
Nano-Glo Live Cell Nano-Glo Vivazine | ONE-Glo | ONE-Glo + Tox | P450-Glo |
QuantiFluor dsDNA | QuantiFluor RNA | QuantiFluor ssDNA | RealTime-Glo |
RealTime-Glo Annexin V | RealTime-Glo Extracellular ATP | Renilla Luciferase Assay System | ROS-Glo |
Steady-Glo | Succinate-Glo | Triglyceride-Glo | Water-Glo |
Follow these steps to install individual Promega protocols:
- Download and Save the zip file to your desktop or C-drive and extract all contents.
- In the appropriate GloMax® Software, select Settings, then Administrator.
- Select Import Protocol.
- Select the Drive\ button at the top to view the available drive locations, then select the specific drive to navigate to the protocol file.
- Select OK and wait for the file to be imported. A message will appear indicating the import was successful. Click OK when finished.
- View the newly imported protocol within the Protocol screen.
Use an assay not listed here? GloMax® instruments let you install your own custom protocols. No matter what assay you use, our Technical Service team is happy to walk you through how to do it.
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7am-6pm CST Monday-Friday