Promega iGEM Grant Sponsorship Update

Promega has proudly supported iGEM teams in advancing synthetic biology through corporate and regional grants. While our corporate grant is paused for 2025, some local Promega branches continue to offer support, and we encourage iGEM teams to explore opportunities in their region.

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Previous Promega iGEM Grant Sponsorship Winners

Through corporate and regional grants, Promega has supported iGEM teams as they push the boundaries of synthetic biology. From tackling global challenges to advancing scientific discovery, iGEM teams continue to inspire.

See previous winners below and explore how these talented teams have made an impact.

Previously Sponsored Teams

2023 Sponsored Teams

iGEM Tübingen

University of Tübingen

“Our goal is to convert the blood antigen B into the universal donor, blood antigen 0. We are currently looking for enzymes which can perform these specific antigen modifications and have identified our first candidate via bioinformatical testing.”


Indian Institute of Science

“Our immuno-therapeutical solution to endometriosis intends to be non-invasive, unlike current surgical and hormonal methods, thus bypassing many of the issues occurring in the other methods.”


University of Oxford

“By developing better and more efficient diagnostics we can make the most effective use of treatments, differentiate between life threatening situations and more benign conditions, as well as increasing our pandemic preparedness.”


University of British Columbia

“There is an urgent need to develop sustainable, reliable, and low-cost biological tools to assist researchers in accelerating the engineering and production pipeline of novel therapeutics.”

Washinton iGEM

University of Washington

“We plan to modify biofilms of cyanobacteria, a type of aerobic photosynthetic bacteria commonly found in wastewater. Our solution involves the design of a novel protein that increases the efficiency of PCB degradation in an aerobic environment.


Tecnologico de Monterrey

“Our project is principally based on the development of an inexpensive highly efficient biosensor capable of detecting these emerging contaminants.”

Santa Cruz: UCSC

University of California – Santa Cruz

“Our biosynthetic solution uses microcystin-degrading enzymes in an engineered organism. Overexpressing the entire gene cluster optimizes removal of microcystin, offering a sustainable approach for Pinto Lake remediation.”


University of Hong Kong

“Our objective is to use Sendai virus and Nanoparticles to genetically engineer macrophages with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) combined with SIRPα blocker for excellent anti-cancer properties against solid tumors.”


Stony Brook University

“Our proposed solution would design an externally tuned method capable of delivering controlled levels of nitrogen to crops in the place of a naturally occurring diazotroph using an engineered genetic oscillator.”

2022 Sponsored Teams


“The goal of our project is to create a glucose-dependent self-amplifying mRNA complex that codes for the human insulin gene.”

Rochester 2022

“In order to solve the problem of “buddy” syrup, we developed an approach that tests for three separate compounds present in higher concentrations within buddy sap: asparagine, sarcosine, and choline.”


“To address disordered roots in space, we will modify plants to mimic the innate gravitropism pathway with engineered magnetotropism.”


“We aim to design a biopesticide to control Coleopteran pests in Mexico using a holistic perspective by implementing an Integrated Pest Management.”

iGEM Montpellier

“We want to develop a detection device for the most present pathogens in the Thau lagoon: the algae A.catenella (which is harmful for humans) and the virus OshV-1 (which is the most important oyster pathogen and harmful for oyster).”

EPFL IGEM Team 2022

“We decided to produce our own sustainable insulative material to fulfill the future needs outlined by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.”


“As growing population, changing diets, climate and energy shocks drive up prices, the world needs a reliable and affordable source of phosphorus, we aim to close the loop, curbing losses of valuable phosphorus from wastewater.”


“We aim to design a point of care kit for the detection of the most oncogenic strain of Human Papillomavirus, HPV16.”


“We aim to design a bioreactor that can degrade hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) using a consortium of P. putida and E. coli, both engineered to metabolise the gases efficiently.”


“Our Alzheimer’s treatment triggers a new sustainable and effective system for targeting the misfolded protein, including the usage of biodegradable and sustainable nanocarrier containing our fusion protein to deliver it to blood-brain barrier.”

2021 Sponsored Teams


“We are developing Agro Bactory 593, a versatile multi-target platform in which, by changing the dsRNA target, we can fight against different pathogens.”

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“We will attempt to produce three components that will make up the first-ever synbio-based firefighting foam.”

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"We plan to engineer Bifidobacterium longum to secrete tumor-specific apoptosis-inducing peptides in the hypoxic tumor environment.”


"We hope to create a novel in situ method of detecting subclinical bovine mastitis, as well as cure the mastitis without the use of antibiotics.”

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“We are working towards furthering our work from last year by developing a novel therapy for the treatment of cervical spinal cord injuries.”

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Michigan State University

“Our team plans to develop a robust, adaptable biocontainment platform in the hopes of offering an accessible option for horizontal gene transfer prevention.”

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St. Andrews

“We aim to develop Shinescreen, the first sustainable, environmentally friendly, probiotic sunscreen.”

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TU Eindhoven

“We aim to develop a non-invasive technique for the diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.”

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“We will develop a bioprocess to transform waste cooking oil into kits for making biopaintings, within a frame of a circular bioeconomy.”

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“Instead of attacking the pathogens as pesticides do, we want to support the plant’s own immune response in an effort to protect itself.”

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2020 Sponsored Teams


“Our project will engineer cyanobacteria to transport iron into cells and reduce it to the bioavailable Fe(II) form.”

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“We plan to genetically modify Rhodotorula glutinis to be more robust and resource-efficient as a solution to Vitamin A Deficiency.”

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Concordia - Montreal

"We are eager to design a solution to ensure the future of in-space biomanufacturing and exploration.”

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King's College London

"The scientific community has been unable to provide an effective, inexpensive, and non-invasive treatment for SCI. We believe that needs changing.”

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KU Leuven

KU Leuven received 2020 sponsorship by winning the scavenger hunt at the 2019 Giant Jamboree. Unfortunately, KU Leuven had to withdraw from the 2020 iGEM competition.


“In order to solve phosphorus pollution and depletion, we use E. coli bacteria that is designed to have an increased capacity of phosphorus accumulation.”

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Technion - Israel

“We plan to develop a novel hydrogel-based skin-screen containing proteins to block infection of host cells by SARS-CoV-2.”

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TPR - China

“Our group endeavored to find a biological method to control locust plague.”

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“To reduce heavy metal poisoning in the environment, we plan to use Riboswitches for detection and phytochelatins for absorption and clearance of Manganese.”

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University of Copenhagen

“We are developing a non-invasive monitoring device for patients with Chronic Inflammatory Diseases by engineering yeast to sense inflammatory biomarkers in human sweat.”

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2019 Sponsored Teams


"We aim to provide a comprehensive solution by developing an automated field diagnostic system specific to N. ceranae to work in tandem with the treatment we made last year."

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iGEM Bonn

"Our goal is to engineer plants to create ambient light through efficient naturally occurring bioluminescence systems."

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Cairo University

"Reducing the concentration of salts in the water, especially NaCl, is our main objective."

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"Team MSP aims to broaden the spectrum of surface receptors available by creating a synthetic genetic system which evolves new receptors capable of binding specific, user-defined molecular targets."

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Northern BC

"The 2019 Northern BC iGEM Team will address the overdose crisis from a harm reduction perspective, creating an opioid sensor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that can be used to test non-opioid recreational drugs for opioid contamination prior to consumption."

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NUS Singapore

"We plan to extend the exponential phase of bacteria by making them undergo a 'sleep-wake' cycle, controlling the nutrient uptake rate of the bacteria and so extending the overall protein production window."

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Sao-Carlos Brazil

"To produce food on a planet as extreme as Mars, we plan to apply synthetic biology tools to engineer a fermenting yeast that is able to amass melanin on its surface to become resistant to ultraviolet radiation."

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iGEM Sorbonne Université

"We want to create an alternative way of producing palm oil in a green alga named Chlamydomonas reinhardtii."

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Victoria Wellington

"Our goal is to produce a battery that is efficient, safe, and sustainable. Our contribution to renewable energy storage will be to improve an existing glycerol fuel cell."

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NYU Abu Dhabi

"The NYUAD iGEM team aims to create a multiplex, affordable, modular, and flexible wearable device that can simultaneously and rapidly screen for multiple food and viral pathogens."

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2018 Sponsored Teams

Edinburgh OG

Project Name: Valeris.ED: Bio-based and biodegradable thermoplastics production by Escherichia coli with heterologous polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA).

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iGEM NYU Abu Dhabi

Project Name: Pathogene: A portable, low-cost, microfluidic lab-on-a-chip based device for rapid detection of multiple foodborne pathogens.

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Makerere Uganda

Project Name: Plastic biodegradation

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Read feature article: How Can Synthetic Biology Help Us Grow?


Project Name: Man-Cheester: Development of Listeria monocytogenes biosensor for use in cheese starter cultures

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RDFZ China

Project Name: Xscape

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Stony Brook

Project Name: The Sucrose Factory

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Tacoma RAINmakers

Project Name: Ticket or Quit It: Protecting Families from Arsenic Contamination

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TecMonterrey GDL

Project Name: Lactobachill: A smart psychobiotic with anxiolytic and antidepressant properties

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UI Indonesia

Project Name: Finding Diphthy: Utilization of LuxAB-eYFT Resonance Energy Transfer System to Detect Diphtheria Toxin

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Unesp Brazil

Project Name: Hope: A framework to engineer living therapeutics

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