Cloning your gene can be one of the most difficult parts of an experiment. The first step is to decide which method will be most effective for inserting your gene precisely at the target locus.
New to molecular cloning? View our comprehensive guide that includes the fundamentals of molecular cloning, including restriction digestion, DNA ligation, vector dephosphorylation, and bacterial transformation.
PCR Cloning
PCR cloning is a fast and efficient method that doesn't require restriction enzymes. These blogs tackle some of the biggest challenges, like designing the right insert and optimizing the reaction conditions.

PCR Cloning FAQ
Find the answers to (almost) everything you’ve ever wondered about PCR cloning.

PCR Cloning Guide
Jump into the PCR Cloning section of our guide to subcloning and learn about the techniques and products you’ll need to be successful.

A Quick Method for A-Tailing PCR Products
Explore a few strategies you might not have considered to overcome the challenges of “A” overhangs.
TA Cloning
TA cloning is a popular cloning method that utilizes Taq polymerase to add an extra adenine (A) nucleotide at the 3' ends of the DNA strands it amplifies. These blogs cover the basics of TA cloning, as well as frequently asked questions.

Cloning with pGEM-T Vectors: Ligation
Learn how to ligate your blunt-ended DNA fragments using pGEM-T vectors.

T-Vector Cloning FAQ
Need more tips for successful cloning? Check out these answers to frequently asked questions.

Cloning Modified Blunt-Ended DNA Fragments into T-Vectors
Read about a method for eliminating some of the requirements of conventional blunt-end cloning.
Restriction Enzyme Cloning
Restriction enzymes (or restriction endonucleases) recognize specific sequences of DNA and cleave the strands at sites within or adjacent to those sequences. When you're using restriction enzymes, your reaction conditions will need to be adjusted to the needs of the specific enzyme you're working with.

Tips for Restriction Enzyme-Digested Vectors and Inserts
Read a few useful tips from restriction enzyme experts.

How to Set Up a Restriction Enzyme Digest
Learn about things to consider when performing restriction digestions.

How to Use Restriction Enzymes
View this introductory guide on using restriction enzymes.
Molecular Biology Lab Guide
From basic DNA purification to the most complicated qPCR experiment, the Molecular Biology Lab Guide can help you make every experiment successful.

Cloning Tools
Ready to start? Check out these tools, which can help you prepare for every step of cloning.