Nucleic Acid Purification and Quantitation
In today’s world of nucleic acid analysis by real-time PCR and next-generation sequencing, it’s crucial to purify high-quality nucleic acids from your samples. Once you accomplish that, virtually every downstream assay requires that you quantitate your DNA or RNA before you begin. Understanding how these systems work and then choosing the best chemistry for your application is essential.
DNA Purification
DNA sources differ in their challenges. Make sure the DNA purification method you use addresses the challenges your sample presents.

Nucleic Acid Purification Basics
Let’s start from the beginning. Learn the basics of nucleic acid purification from several common sample types.

DNA Purification, Quantitation and Analysis Explained
Learn about each step in the DNA analysis workflow in this webinar, along with the advantages and disadvantages of different methods.

Overcoming the Challenges of FFPE Samples
FFPE samples are commonly used for analyzing tumor biology. Learn more about conquering the unique challenges of this sample type.
RNA Purification
RNA is found in the nucleus, cytoplasm and mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. For use in downstream assays, RNA must be free of DNA and potential inhibitors that can interfere with labeling or hybridization.

The "Hows" and "Whys" of RNA Analysis
Hear experts discuss the early steps of purification, protection from degradation and quantitation to improve your downstream analysis.

How to Isolate RNA Like a Pro
Improve your RNA isolation with tips from someone who's been there.

Working with RNA
RNase troubles? Check out a few tips for easier RNA analysis.
Molecular Biology Lab Guide
From basic DNA purification to the most complicated qPCR experiment, the Molecular Biology Lab Guide can help you make every experiment successful.

Nucleic Acid Quantitation
Molecular Biology Rule #1: Never skip quantitating your nucleic acids. This important step helps you make sure you're ready for your next application. Maybe you'll get lucky, but you risk having to start over when you skip quantitation. No one wants to do that.

To NanoDrop or Not To NanoDrop?
That is the quantitation question. Watch to figure out if NanoDrop is right for you.

Which Quantitation Method is Best for your Project?
Aren’t sure which method to choose? Figure it out by using this comparison guide.

Methods for Determining DNA Yield and Concentration
Explore some of the common lab methods for determining yield and purity of purified DNA samples.
Quantitation Blogs
Did we mention that quantitation is important? That's why our bloggers keep writing posts about quantitation for different applications.