Boyd, J.M., Gallo, G.J., Elangovan, B., Houghton, A.B., Malstrom, S., Avery, B.J., Ebb, R.G., Subramanian, T., Chittenden, T., Lutz, R.J., et al.
Notes: Bik was identified, cloned, and characterized. Bik contains a short sequence with homology to Bax and Bak that may be sufficient for protein interaction. [35S]methionine-labeled proteins were expressed in vitro using the TNT® Coupled Reticulocyte Lysate System. The Bik, Bax, and Bak proteins were tested for interaction with GST-Bcl-2, GST-Bcl-xL or GST. Bik interacts with Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL in vitro. (1750)