100bp DNA Ladder
100bp DNA Ladder 250 μl
Load 5μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.13µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Ladders are ladders with defined sizes. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. 100bp DNA Ladder: Eleven fragments that range in size from 100bp to 1,000bp in 100bp increments with an additional band at 1,500bp. The 500bp fragment is present at increased intensity for easy identification. The ladder is dephosphorylated and ready for 5' end-labeling with radioisotopes using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, allowing visualization by autoradiography. Recommended loading: 5μl/lane
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100bp DNA Step Ladder
100bp DNA Step Ladder 100 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 1µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Step Ladders are ladders of defined sizes with exact incremental steps between bands. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. The fragments may be stained with ethidium bromide. 100bp DNA Step Ladder: Forty blunt-ended DNA fragments ranging from 100bp to 4,000bp in 100bp increments. Two internal features facilitate band identification. A high-intensity 500bp band stands out at the lowest segment of the ladder (<1kb). Bands within each segment (<1kb, <2kb, <4kb) have approximately the same intensity. Recommended loading: 1μl/lane
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10bp DNA Step Ladder
10bp DNA Step Ladder 32.5 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.65µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Step Ladders are ladders of defined sizes with exact incremental steps between bands. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. The fragments may be stained with ethidium bromide. 10bp DNA Step Ladder: Ten blunt-ended DNA fragments ranging from 10bp to 100bp in exactly 10bp increments. All of the bands are of approximately equal intensity with the exception of the 10bp band, which may appear slightly less intense. Recommended loading: 1μl/lane.
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1kb DNA Ladder
1kb DNA Ladder 500 μl
Load 5μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.1µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Ladders are ladders with defined sizes. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. 1kb DNA Ladder: Thirteen blunt-ended fragments with sizes ranging from 250bp to 10,000bp. The 1,000bp and 3,000bp fragments have increased intensity relative to the other bands on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels for easy identification. All other fragments are of equal intensity. The ladder is dephosphorylated and ready for 5' end-labeling with radioisotopes using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, allowing visualization by autoradiography. Recommended loading: 5μl/lane
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1kb DNA Step Ladder
1kb DNA Step Ladder 90 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.3µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Step Ladders are ladders of defined sizes with exact incremental steps between bands. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. The fragments may be stained with ethidium bromide. 1kb DNA Step Ladder: Ten blunt-ended DNA fragments ranging from 1kb to 10kb in 1kb increments. All bands except the 5kb band are of equal intensity; the 5kb band is ~3 times more intense.
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200bp DNA Step Ladder
200bp DNA Step Ladder 100 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 1µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Step Ladders are ladders of defined sizes with exact incremental steps between bands. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. The fragments may be stained with ethidium bromide. 200bp DNA Step Ladder: Thirty-three blunt-ended DNA fragments ranging from 200bp to 6,600bp in 200bp increments. The 1,000bp band appears more intense than all other bands, which are of approximately equal intensity. Recommended loading: 1μl/lane.
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25bp DNA Step Ladder
25bp DNA Step Ladder 100 μg
Load 5μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.36µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Step Ladders are ladders of defined sizes with exact incremental steps between bands. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. The fragments may be stained with ethidium bromide. 25bp DNA Step Ladder: Twelve DNA fragments ranging from 25bp to 300bp in 25bp increments. An 1,800bp backbone fragment is also visible. The 300bp band is ~3 times more intense than all other bands. Recommended loading: 5μl/lane.
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50bp DNA Step Ladder
50bp DNA Step Ladder 90 μg
Load 5μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.34µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Step Ladders are ladders of defined sizes with exact incremental steps between bands. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. The fragments may be stained with ethidium bromide. 50bp DNA Step Ladder: Sixteen DNA fragments ranging from 50bp to 800bp in 50bp increments plus an 1,800bp backbone fragment. All bands except the 800bp band are of equal intensity; the 800bp band is ~3 times more intense. Recommended loading: 5μl/lane.
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BenchTop 100bp DNA Ladder
BenchTop 100bp DNA Ladder 300 μl
Store at room temperature (22–25°C) Premixed with loading buffer; ready to load onto agarose gels Load 6μl/lane Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The BenchTop DNA Markers offer the convenience of storage at room temperature (22-25°C) as well as the capability of direct loading onto agarose gels. The BenchTop DNA Markers are supplied in a stabilizing solution of 1X Blue/Orange Loading Dye, which circumvents any requirements for further manipulation. BenchTop 100bp DNA Ladder: Eleven fragments that range in size from 100bp to 1,000bp in 100bp increments with an additional band at 1,500bp. The 500bp fragment is present at increased intensity for easy identification. The ladder is dephosphorylated and ready for 5´ end-labeling with radioisotopes using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, allowing visualization by autoradiography. Load 6μl/lane.
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BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder
BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder 600 μl
Store at room temperature (22–25°C) Premixed with loading buffer; ready to load onto agarose gels Load 6μl/lane Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The BenchTop DNA Markers offer the convenience of storage at room temperature (22-25°C) as well as the capability of direct loading onto agarose gels. The BenchTop DNA Markers are supplied in a stabilizing solution of 1X Blue/Orange Loading Dye, which circumvents any requirements for further manipulation. BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder: Thirteen blunt-ended fragments with sizes ranging from 250bp to 10,000bp. The 1,000bp and 3,000bp fragments have increased intensity relative to the other bands on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels for easy identification. All other fragments are of equal intensity. The ladder is dephosphorylated and ready for 5´ end-labeling with radioisotopes using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, allowing visualization by autoradiography. Load 6μl/lane.
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BenchTop PCR Markers
BenchTop PCR Markers 300 μl
Store at room temperature (22–25°C) Premixed with loading buffer; ready to load onto agarose gels Load 6μl/lane for agarose gels Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The BenchTop DNA Markers offer the convenience of storage at room temperature (22-25°C) as well as the capability of direct loading onto agarose gels. The BenchTop DNA Markers are supplied in a stabilizing solution of 1X Blue/Orange Loading Dye, which circumvents any requirements for further manipulation. Six bands of equal intensity of 50, 150, 300, 500, 750, and 1,000bp. The BenchTop PCR Markers may be run on polyacrylamide gels with less loading volume; however, additional bands may be visible compared to those visible on agarose gels. Load 6μl/lane for agarose gels.
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BenchTop pGEM® DNA Markers
BenchTop pGEM® DNA Markers 250 μl
Store at room temperature (22–25°C) Premixed with loading buffer; ready to load onto agarose gels Load 5μl/lane Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The BenchTop DNA Markers offer the convenience of storage at room temperature (22-25°C) as well as the capability of direct loading onto agarose gels. The BenchTop DNA Markers are supplied in a stabilizing solution of 1X Blue/Orange Loading Dye, which circumvents any requirements for further manipulation. Fifteen phenol-extracted, ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 36bp to 2,645bp. These unique markers are generated from separate digests of pGEM®-3 Vector DNA with HinfI, RsaI and SinI later combined to form the markers. Load 5μl/lane.
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BenchTop ΦX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers
BenchTop ΦX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers 250 μl
Store at room temperature (22–25°C) Premixed with loading buffer; ready to load onto agarose gels Load 5μl/lane Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The BenchTop DNA Markers offer the convenience of storage at room temperature (22-25°C) as well as the capability of direct loading onto agarose gels. The BenchTop DNA Markers are supplied in a stabilizing solution of 1X Blue/Orange Loading Dye, which circumvents any requirements for further manipulation. BenchTop ΦX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers: Eleven phenol-extracted, ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 72bp to 1,353bp. Load 5μl/lane.
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Lambda DNA/EcoRI + HindIII Markers
Lambda DNA/EcoRI + HindIII Markers 100 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.5µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The Conventional DNA Digest Markers are created by digesting either lambda DNA, PhiX174 replicative form DNA, or plasmids to completion with one or more restriction enzymes. The enzymes are heat-inactivated, and the DNA fragments are either phenol-extracted, then ethanol-precipitated or just ethanol-precipitated. The precipitated fragments are resuspended in storage buffer. The markers are not intended for quantitative analysis. Each marker is supplied with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. Lambda DNA/EcoRI + HindIII Markers: Thirteen ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 125bp to 21,226bp. Recommended loading: 1μl/lane
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Lambda DNA/EcoRI Markers
Lambda DNA/EcoRI Markers 100 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.5µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The Conventional DNA Digest Markers are created by digesting either lambda DNA, PhiX174 replicative form DNA, or plasmids to completion with one or more restriction enzymes. The enzymes are heat-inactivated, and the DNA fragments are either phenol-extracted, then ethanol-precipitated or just ethanol-precipitated. The precipitated fragments are resuspended in storage buffer. The markers are not intended for quantitative analysis. Each marker is supplied with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. Lambda DNA/EcoRI Markers: Six ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 3,530bp to 21,226bp. Recommended loading: 1μl/lane.
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Lambda DNA/HindIII Markers
Lambda DNA/HindIII Markers 100 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 0.5µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The Conventional DNA Digest Markers are created by digesting either lambda DNA, PhiX174 replicative form DNA, or plasmids to completion with one or more restriction enzymes. The enzymes are heat-inactivated, and the DNA fragments are either phenol-extracted, then ethanol-precipitated or just ethanol-precipitated. The precipitated fragments are resuspended in storage buffer. The markers are not intended for quantitative analysis. Each marker is supplied with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. Lambda DNA/HindIII Markers: Eight ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 125bp to 23,130bp. Recommended loading: 1μl/lane.
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PCR Markers
PCR Markers 250 μl
Load 5μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of ~0.06µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
The DNA Ladders are ladders with defined sizes. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. PCR Markers: Six bands of equal intensity of 50, 150, 300, 500, 750 and 1,000bp. The PCR Markers may be run on polyacrylamide gels with less loading volume; however, additional bands may be visible compared to those visible on agarose gels. Recommended loading: 5μl/lane
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pGEM® DNA Markers
pGEM® DNA Markers 50 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 1µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
DNA Digest Markers are created by digesting plasmids to completion with one or more restriction enzymes. The enzymes are heat-inactivated, and the DNA fragments are either phenol-extracted, then ethanol-precipitated or just ethanol-precipitated. The precipitated fragments are resuspended in storage buffer. The markers are not intended for quantitative analysis. Each marker is supplied with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. pGEM DNA Markers: Fifteen phenol-extracted, ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 36bp to 2,645bp. These unique markers are generated from separate digests of pGEM-3 Vector DNA with HinfI, RsaI and AvaII later combined to form the markers. Recommended Loading: Load 1μl/lane.
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ProMega-Markers Lambda Ladders
ProMega-Markers® Lambda Ladders 40–60 lanes
Embedded in dye-colored, 0.5% agarose string molds in 50mM EDTA DNA concentration is 0.5μg/5mm Certified for use as markers in pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
ProMega-Markers Lambda Ladders are prepared by concatemerization of lambda phage DNA into multimers ranging in size from 50kb to 800kb and up, with each multimer, or rung, of the 20-step ladder differing in size by one lambda genome (approximately 48.5kb). The ladders are embedded in dye-colored, 0.5% agarose string molds in 50mM EDTA. The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis.
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RNA Markers
RNA Markers 50 μl
Recommended loading: 3μl (prepared in formaldehyde/MOPS buffer and separated onto a 1% formaldehyde-agarose gel using MOPS running buffer)
Promega RNA Markers are suitable for size estimation of single-stranded RNA from 0.28-6.58kb in glyoxal or formaldehyde-agarose gels. The RNA Markers consist of a ladder of nine RNA transcripts that are synthesized in vitro from specific templates. The sizes are 281, 623, 955, 1,383, 1,908, 2,604, 3,638, 4,981 and 6,583 bases. The markers are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. After electrophoresis, the fragments can be visualized by ethidium bromide staining.
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ΦX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers
ΦX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers 50 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 1µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
Conventional DNA Digest Markers are created by digesting either lambda DNA, PhiX174 replicative form DNA, or plasmids to completion with one or more restriction enzymes. The enzymes are heat-inactivated, and the DNA fragments are either phenol-extracted, then ethanol-precipitated or just ethanol-precipitated. The precipitated fragments are resuspended in storage buffer. The markers are not intended for quantitative analysis. Each marker is supplied with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. PhiX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers: Eleven phenol-extracted, ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 72bp to 1,353bp. Recommended Loading: Load 1μl/lane.
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ΦX174 DNA/HinfI Markers
ΦX174 DNA/HinfI Markers 50 μg
Load 1μl/lane Supplied at a concentration of 1µg/μl Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye Now ships at ambient temperature Intended for Laboratory Use (GPR) in the United States. Outside of the United States, this product is intended for research use only unless otherwise stated
Conventional DNA Digest Markers are created by digesting either lambda DNA, PhiX174 replicative form DNA, or plasmids to completion with one or more restriction enzymes. The enzymes are heat-inactivated, and the DNA fragments are either phenol-extracted, then ethanol-precipitated or just ethanol-precipitated. The precipitated fragments are resuspended in storage buffer. The markers are not intended for quantitative analysis. Each marker is supplied with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. PhiX174 DNA/HinfI Markers: Twenty ethanol-precipitated DNA fragments ranging in size from 24bp to 726bp. Recommended Loading: Load 1μl/lane.
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