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Ask the Experts Forum: Implementing Lumit® Immunoassays

This webinar is Part 3 of the Lumit™ Technology Webinar Series.

In this Forum, you will be able to:

  • Hear directly from other users of Lumit™ technology
  • Listen to Promega Technical Services scientists answer frequently asked questions


Lumit™ Technology Webinar Series

Immunoassays are an essential tool for life science researchers, widely used for decades. Applying bioluminescent technology to this well-accepted assay format to create Lumit™ Immunoassays has made analyte detection faster and easier than ever before. This webinar series will introduce you to Lumit™ Immunoassay technology and highlight key research areas where bioluminescent immunoassays have supported research discoveries.

Part 3: Ask the Experts Forum: Implementing Lumit™ Immunoassays

In the third part of this series, join other Lumit™ users and experts for an interactive panel discussion on immunoassay technology. R&D scientists and Technical Service Scientists will discuss frequently asked questions with immunoassays. 

Other Webinars in this Series:

Bioluminescent Analyte Detection with Lumit™ Immunoassays

Using Lumit™ Technology to Address Inflammasome-mediated Cytokine Release

Advances in Glucagon Detection Supporting Diabetes and Metabolic Disorder Research

Optimizing IL-6 Detection for High-Throughput Screening



Dan Lazar, PhD
Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Dan Lazar received his Ph.D. in biological chemistry from the University of Michigan and then completed a postdoctoral fellowship focused on cell signaling at Warner Lambert/Parke-Davis. Subsequently, he was a Team Leader and Senior Scientist at Eli Lilly within the metabolic disease drug-discovery area for well over a decade where he gained extensive experience in the development, validation and implementation of cell-based and biochemical assays for drug discovery. As a Group Leader and Senior Research Scientist at Promega, Dan and his colleagues are principally focused on delivering novel cell-based assays for the quantitative assessment of various aspects of cell health to assist academic and industrial investigators.


Martha O'Brien, PhD
Senior Research Scientist

Martha O’Brien is a Senior Research Scientist in the Assay Design Group in R&D at Promega and is currently leading assay development efforts focused on inflammation and the inflammasome. Martha received her PhD in biology from the University of North Carolina and postdoctoral training at Washington University in St. Louis. As a long-term Promega R&D scientist, she has developed numerous products applying bioluminescence technology to cell health, protease assays, and studying the inflammasome. 

Hicham Zegzouti, PhD
Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Hicham Zegzouti is a Senior Research Scientist in Promega Assay Design-R&D. His group develops Assay technologies to interrogate diverse enzyme activities and cellular pathways (kinases, glycosyltransferases, and other drug targets). Dr. Zegzouti received his PhD in 1997 from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, France. Prior to joining Promega, he was a postdoctoral researcher in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology at UC-Los Angeles studying auxin hormone signaling in an Arabidopsis plant model. His work focused on the identification and characterization of AGC kinase family and its regulation during plant development. Dr. Zegzouti has authored 14 journal articles and book chapters, co-edited a methods book and is an inventor for several patents.

John Mishler-Elmore, PhD
Technical Services Scientist

John Mishler-Elmore earned his Ph.D. from Ohio University’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in March 2020, where he studied plant cell walls and TomEP, a peroxidase responsible for polymerization of proteinaceous elements. John went on to join Promega Technical Services in June 2020, and since then has been happily assisting researchers with Promega Technologies. One year into his position, he began studying the NanoBiT® and Lumit™ technologies as an area of specialization, having been fascinated with the NanoBiT® luciferase and it’s use in Lumit™ assays. Presently, John continues assisting researchers with Lumit®, NanoBiT® and NanoBRET® assays with Technical Services, enjoying every opportunity to help someone be successful with these technologies. 

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