Functional Characterization of GPCR Signaling Using NanoBiT® and NanoBRET® Technologies

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Which Promega assays can be used for monitoring GPCR activation/signaling
  • The generation of cell-based assays relying on Protein:Protein Interaction (PPI) technologies
  • How NanoBiT® and NanoBRET® tools can greatly improve the functional profiling of GPCR signaling


Did you know G Protein-coupled receptors are a highly desirable class of drug targets? Activated GPCRs engage a range of Gα protein subtypes, triggering the production of second messenger(s) such as cAMP, Ca2+ and IP3. In addition, β-arrestin binding to activated GPCRs can lead to signaling events that are independent of G proteins. Understanding which pathways are activated is important to understanding physiological and pathological processes, and selective modulation of pathway activation using functionally selective or biased agonists is a goal for many drug development programs. Join us for this webinar as Dr. Brock Binkowski from Promega provides an introduction to NanoBiT® and NanoBRET® technologies, along with Promega’s assays for monitoring GPCR signaling. Additionally, Marcel Winnig and Elisa Chisci from IMAX Discovery and AXXAM, respectively, will describe two case studies for cell-based assay development using NanoBiT® and NanoBRET® technologies to study functional selectivity of GPCR signaling by monitoring protein:protein interactions following receptor activation.



Brock Binkowski, PhD
Senior Research Scientist

Brock Binkowski received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and B.S. in Chemical Engineering from UW-Madison. After grad school, Brock worked as a post-doc at Promega where he helped to develop a platform of Fluc-based, intracellular biosensors (GloSensor Technology). He has been working at Promega since 2005, focusing on the development of luminescent assays. Brock’s team has commercialized numerous assays related to NanoLuc Luciferase and NanoBiT Technology, such as NanoBiT PPI, Endurazine/Vivazine, NanoDLR, HiBiT Lytic, HiBiT Extracellular & HiBiT Blotting applications.

Elisa Chisci, PhD
Principal Scientist

Elisa Chisci has worked in the Cell Biology group at Axxam since 2018. Her work as Principal Scientist mainly focuses on the development, optimization and validation of miniaturized, functional cell-based assays for high-throughput screening for many relevant targets and using different reporter systems based on NanoLuc, HiBiT, NanoBiT and NanoBRET technologies.

Elisa obtained her PhD in Translational and Molecular Medicine (DIMET) from the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), and a Post-Doctoral Research fellowship (UNIMIB), where she studied the roles of inflammatory proteins in cell-based and in-vivo models of cardiovascular diseases.


Marcel Winnig, PhD
Head of Business Unit, IMAX Discovery

Marcel Winnig is the Business Unit Head of IMAX Discovery at Axxam GmbH. Prior to that he held the role of Principal Investigator in the Discovery Biology Group at Axxam SpA, where he was responsible for all proprietary and service programs related to IMAX Discovery. Before joining Axxam in 2007, he was a Ph.D. student at the German Institute of Human Nutrition investigating the structure-function relations of the sweet taste receptor. Marcel has co-authored several original peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. He is co-inventor of different patents involving bitter taste receptors, olfactory receptors and new classes of savoury compounds.

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