Optimize Your qPCR and RT-qPCR Assays with Careful Planning and Design
- Real-Time PCR overview/Understanding qPCR data
- qPCR detection strategies: dye-based versus label-based
- Assay design considerations
- Identifying key challenges in the qPCR workflow
- Approaches to increase qPCR throughput
Real-time PCR (qPCR) has become the technique of choice for a variety of applications such a gene expression analysis, genotyping, specific target sequence detection/quantitation and overall nucleic acid quantitation. This webinar will cover multiple qPCR topics aimed at improving your qPCR results including: optimizing qPCR assays including whether to use probe- or dye-based detection, choosing between 1-step and 2-step RT-qPCR assays, and overcoming key challenges such as sample integrity, multiplexing and the presence of inhibitors in the input sample. We will also introduce the GoTaq® family of qPCR and RT-qPCR systems which help researchers overcome these challenges.

Nadine Nassif
Sr Research Scientist
Promega Corporation
Nadine earned a B.S. degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin and a M.S. degree in Biotechnology and Biomedical Science from the University of Massachusetts – Boston. After completing her degrees, Nadine worked with a team at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, investigating molecular alterations associated with the progression of prostate cancer.
In 1997, Nadine joined the Genetic Analysis team at Promega Corporation, helping to launch reagent systems for applications in nucleic acid technologies. Products developed include genotyping assays, nucleic acid purification methods, microarray reagents for gene expression analysis, and qPCR systems for DNA and RNA quantitation and detection.