The MagneSil® Genomic, Fixed Tissue System provides a fast, simple technique for extracting genomic DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue. After an overnight Proteinase K digestion, genomic DNA can be manually purified from FFPE thin tissue sections in less than an hour, and up to 12 samples can be processed at a time using the MagneSphere® Technology Magnetic Separation Stand (twelve-position) (Cat.# Z5342).
The optimized protocol and wash buffers yield genomic DNA that is largely free of small DNAs, which are potent inhibitors of PCR amplification. Amplifiable genomic DNA can be isolated from 10μm thin sections without centrifugation of the lysate prior to purification. Targets as large as 450–1,800bp can be amplified, and multiplex PCR can be performed using DNA purified with this system.