Bailey, J. K., Shen, W., Liang, X. H. and Crooke, S. T.
Notes: Modified antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) show increased delivery and stability in cells, however these modifications have off-target effects. Localization of ASOs to cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granules is observed to be mediated by RNA binding proteins, FUS and PSF. These interactions are further investigated using the NanoBRET™ Protein-Protein Interaction System. NanoLuc® tagged protein is produced using an in vitro transcription and translation system, purified, and bound to an acceptor oligonucleotide (AlexaFluor594-ASO). Various backbone and 2′ ASO modifications were screened for interaction with FUS truncations to determine the interaction domain. (5061)